Error & Alert Checks inside category layout sections (within category rows)

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Model Citizn A+ 11
Error & Alert Checks inside category layout sections (within category rows)

Hi all,

Has anyone got a good way of creating an error or alert check flag within a categories layout section?

It doesnt allow you to create the check within a category row and the following error message appears?

I suspect that this check should be aggregated outside the layout section and then an error check added to this entire block.

Just wanted to see if there are any better ideas out there?



Michael Hutchens A+ 190

Hi Lance,

This is an interesting post, as we obviously intentionally prevented users from being able to add checks to category rows, primarily because this would:

  1. Result in a potentially massive number of checks; and
  2. Require the checks modules to be updated each time categories are added or removed from a category block, materially slowing down these processes.

The workaround, as you noted, involved using a non-categories layout section to include checks, as we've done in many modules such as the Debt (Amounts) module. Using this approach, checks are limited to being category-block level checks (rather than category checks), and adding/removing categories doesn't affect the checks summaries.

Open to any suggestions/improvements guys!


Tarjei Kirkesaether A+ 58

Hi Lance,

Not sure if my answer is much different to that MIcheal provided, but to do this I would include the Category group block (non Layout Section) somewhere on the sheet and then do the check calculations there instead. Then I'd add the error check to the total row and group and hide the category block (excluding the total row) in case you have a large number of categories.  I've added an example in the Debt Module (attached).



Tarjei Kirkesaether A+ 58

Actually - after think about it bit more, you can add "error checks" to the category layout section (as this was your original question): simply by creating the check calculation and then just use conditional formatting (Alt L H D) to make it look like a check. THEN link all the check tows into the category block you set up outside the layout section which again will have the "proper" check. I'm pretty sure this explenation is confusing, hence the updated example attached.

Model Citizn A+ 11

Thanks Tarjei,

Now you are talking. Exactly.

I had the other two but didnt like the layout as much.

