A note from our Managing Director
Modano provides a new and unique opportunity to smart people looking to obtain a deep understanding of how companies operate in the real world. Whilst Modano does yet not have thousands of staff like many of the other potential employers within the financial advisory sector, we do work with many of Australia's most respected organisations as part of their key decision making processes.
After completing my university studies I was, like many of the graduates from my course, determined to obtain employment from a globally-recognised organisation. However, only after working in such an organisation did I learn that the quality of my curriculum vitae was more impacted by the projects I had undertaken and the client relationships that I had built than by the brand name of my employer. In this regard Modano provides an extraordinary opportunity to ambitious, motivated people to work closely with the heads of many of Australia's largest organisations shortly after completing university studies.
Modano is a boutique company that is effectively forging a standalone business modelling market out of the established services provided by accounting firms and investment banks. Our analysts spend time working closely with the treasury, strategy and business planning divisions of large companies to assist them in their forward decision making processes, directed solely by the mandate of the client.
The result of working with Modano is an experience and an education that money cannot buy. The skills learned are those required to analyse every component of a business, ranging from its operating revenues and expenses through to its taxation position, capital structure and financial statements preparation. And these skills are extremely valuable.
Modano is a team of smart, passionate, dedicated people working together to improve the way in which companies are analysed. We have been working together towards this goal for almost a decade, and still have so many new and exciting opportunities to explore.
If you feel that your skills and passion align with our ambitions, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Michael Hutchens
Founder & CEO
To apply for a position with Modano, please fill out the online application form.