Category Blocks

Disable auto-Category Block Merging

Hi Brains Trust,

I have once ticked the box "do this for all future occurrences" for when the prompt window pops up to asks "Do you want to merge category blocks?".

Since then, it never prompts/warns and this option has been saved into the model file hence forth.

I need to have this prompt back to be aware of when blocks are about to be merged.

Is there a way to re-enable this prompt?

Thanks in advance.

Roll up of enitre category block to another category


I am attempting to roll up a category block total to a single category in another category block. The example I have placed is simple revenue amounts by client. What I have done works but I feel is not best use of Modano and doesn't let the validation do it's job properly as people can still type over the formula in the main category block. If I change it to assumption style output then I lose the ability to make the 3 categories look at independent lines.

Merging and un-merging category block

Hi all,

Recently I experienced the need to unmerge the text within the category block (often in columns C) as I needed to add an additional helper column for sumif or other formulas. However, when I did this I was unable to free up that column which was previously merged.

Has anyone found the same issue or a way around it?

My solution is merely delete the entire category block and re-create and merge whats needed. This doesnt break the timeseries data (column J onwards), but wondering if the unmerging is a challenge for others?



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