Release Notes

 Release Notes
VersionDateNotes 6-Jun-24
  • Amended code to guess source library when inserting analysis or changing drivers to allow for scenarios and budgeting.
  • Allowed deletion of non-core sheets other than overview, cover and contents sheets.
  • Added WebView2 loader DLLs to installation files to assist with DLL detection and loading. 26-Apr-24
  • Amended Refresh Connections dialog to display ampersands in financial statement descriptions.
  • Amended bugs in Refresh Connections move up and down functionality.
  • Added Auto Order functionality to Refresh Connections dialog.
  • Amended module duplication and mirroring to clear assumptions mapping file in newly created modules. 22-Apr-24
  • Added hardcoding option to unmanaging functionality.
  • Made enabling core editing a prerequisite to allowing insertion of sheets.
  • Amended core editing limits to allow online practical training exercises.
  • Added additional guidance when connecting a model with an invalid selection. 22-Apr-24
  • Amended clipboard to auto-select total rows if not selected when copying or cutting data.
  • Added moving of sheets tool identical to Excel Move or Copy dialog.
  • Added workbook option to control automatic updating of table of contents.
  • Amended Refresh Connections dialog to automatically refresh the list on dialog activation if un-updateable connections detected.
  • Fixed bug that was disallowing deletion of cover sheets with core editing allowed.
  • Fixed bug in reports preventing reports from being generated when hidden sheets between unordered report pages.
  • Added warning if ToC cannot be automatically updated after aligning Excel sheets.
  • Fixed bug that was disallowing deletion of empty time series sheets with core editing allowed.
  • Allowed insertion of sheets in user edit mode.
  • Simplified name sheet dialog to remove best practice syntax requirements.
  • Added Restructure Workbook tool for use in core edit mode.
  • Added functionality to automatically add custom ToC entries when applying Heading 1 styles to cell blocks in column 2 in core edit mode.
  • Added scalability support to shortcut menu images.
  • Added automatic updating of logos when using the Change Active Workbook Theme tool.
  • Added support for non-modular workbook registration. 20-Mar-24
  • Fixed bug in reports when re-ordering sheets during run reports.
  • Added ability to specify copying of assumptions when adding modules as categories.
  • Added guessing of source library when inserting modules or changing drivers.
  • Added delay to auto theme application to prevent Excel stability issues when opening new templates.
  • Amended messaging when trying to edit a registered model without Use & Edit permission.
  • Added Delete Analysis tool to allow deletion of analysis without dependent analysis.
  • Prevented deletion of all categories in variable driver forecasts.
  • Prevented assumptions styles being applied to cell blocks containing links in from precedent modules in User Edit mode.
  • Improved messaging when invalid account credentials providing when registering or verifying account details.
  • Restored consent dialog when deleting sheets. 26-Feb-24
  • Enhanced editing capabilities and user-friendliness in User mode.
  • Added time series sheet auto-fill capability.
  • Amended bug in report sheet automatic addition after module insertion.
  • Added file id reporting to registered models.
  • Stopped out of memory exception being thrown in workbooks with more than 32,768 names.
  • Amended bug disallowing copying and pasting from SharePoint file with square brackets in its file name.
  • Added automatic check for updates if WebView2 control not version compatible.
  • Refined reports generation code to better log exceptions.
  • Removed advanced buttons from New Financial Model and Example Models dialogs when in User mode.
  • Added warning if old Generic Financial Model template opened.
  • Allowed unregistering of models by Unlimited Models subscription users.
  • Added support for new Office fonts.
  • Added support for moving sheets in User mode including automatic Toc updating.
  • Incorporated optional inactive assumptions conditional formatting in time series sheet auto-fill assumptions.
  • Enhanced invalid version warnings and resolution and support options.
  • Added Trust Manage Users tool for registered models.
  • Amended bug preventing unmanaging in administrator cases.
  • Allowed for latest Excel theme colors.
  • Added link to account subscription to User mode Help menu.
  • Added Auditing tools to Review tab for use in User mode.
  • Removed Developer styles from User mode.
  • Added Traverse Formula and View Formula logic to Formulas tab.
  • Added Add Sensitivity tool to streamline custom scenarios creation.
  • Amended double click capture to prevent error messages during sheet change via mouse.
  • Enlarged styles menus on the Home tab.
  • Amended drivers change tool to not filter by cached custom search.
  • Fixed bug in theme file logo uploading of non SVG format images.
  • Added workbook option to allow saving without protecting sheet objects.
  • Amended bug in Amend Registration tool preventing updating of existing registered model.
  • Enlarged the dialog to select modules via tree view and made sizeable.
  • Added Open in Review Mode functionality to superseded registered models.
  • Added interactive practical training exercise to unlock core editing.
  • Amended insert row command to insert into same module component if first row in component and last row in prior component is empty.
  • Permanently turned off module link naming when entering formulas in User mode.
  • Removed complex freeform formula warnings when in User mode.
  • Improved regional settings warning to always be triggered following a change in region settings. 9-Jan-24
  • Amended bug in reports when sheet order in report differs from sheet order in model. 31-Dec-23
  • Amended bug in duplicate business units procedure. 24-Dec-23
  • Added advanced error detection and logging to run reports tool. 14-Dec-23
  • Amended bugs in Developer training workbook detection for pay-per-model users.
  • Same amendments made for versions and 29-Nov-23
  • Always allowed access to Developer mode when exploring example models.
  • Removed regional settings warning if Traverse Formula mode active.
  • Amended scroll bug in import assumptions mapping. 28-Nov-23
  • Prevented duplication of organization IDs in registered models.
  • Refined Change Drivers connectivity check.
  • Extended demo connection use on example models.
  • Added text and number options to Reset Assumptions tool.
  • Amended bugs in Modules options panel controls within Modano Options dialog box. 21-Nov-23
  • Amended User mode keytip conflict. 20-Nov-23
  • Amended Quick Financial Model to better manage AutoSave settings.
  • Amended Queries and Connections group in ribbon to support new Workbook Links command. 10-Nov-23
  • Amended bug preventing Developer Mode access for some users. 10-Nov-23
  • Cleared registered model data when opening from web.
  • Enabled Edit Links in User mode and removed events capture bug throwing warnings while editing links.
  • Prevented unnecessary repeated registered model verification checks during load and file validation.
  • Added context guidance when connecting models in user model and historical financials not active. 27-Oct-23
  • Amended ribbon to ensure real-time reflection of registered model privileges.
  • Added ability to select specific accounting method when connecting to Xero and QuickBooks. 25-Oct-23
  • Added support for register model based subscriptions.
  • Fixed bug in mode menu display when app first loaded.
  • Amended bug when duplicating or mirroring modules located on dedicated sheets multiple times.
  • Amended bug in Manage Reports dialog which was preventing the deletion of reports with no sheets.
  • Allowed categories deletion in User mode via Excel delete rows command.
  • Fixed bug when opening modular workbooks via the Edit Links dialog to ensure their modular nature is detected.
  • Relaxed ToC page numbers detection requirements in reports to not require format conditions in all columns.
  • Added Reset Assumptions tool to User mode cell shortcut menu.
  • Added best endeavours local file path detection when using Modano Save As command on OneDrive files.
  • Added trigger all cell blocks functionality to Trigger Cells dialog.
  • Allowed insertion, deletion, copying and pasting of images in User mode.
  • Stopped comments within assumptions cell blocks being duplicated or mirrored when their parent module is duplicated or mirrored.
  • Added storing of module links panel settings within the Project Manager.
  • Improved borders optimization code in reports to prevent borders disappearing due to hidden rows.
  • Removed map button from assumptions import mapping to prevent confusion.
  • Enlarged workbook module components dialog.
  • Allowed change driver tool to work on mirrored modules by unmirroring them prior to replacing them.
  • Removed requirement to have all linked workbooks open when editing links.
  • Enabled use of Shift + Space Bar keys to select entire rows in User mode.
  • Removed Time Series and Content Libraries groups from Modano tab in Developer mode. 22-Aug-23
  • Amended bug causing Excel to crash when cutting or deleting charts.
  • Amended Import Assumptions tool to allow editing of assumptions headings even if some contains links in.
  • Allowed for pasting of notes using Paste Special. 7-Aug-23
  • Moved modular workbook save detection into modular workbook Excel workbook from Application.
  • Added more comprehensive error handling to save commands to handle OneDrive upload protected memory barriers.
  • Amended Manage Module Component Properties dialog to prevent text extending off to right.
  • Added flow on capability to trigger cell blocks.
  • Added new Trigger Other Trigger Cell Block trigger cell block type.
  • Amended backwards compatibility bug in trigger cell blocks which disallowed new trigger types in older versions.
  • Widened Insert Sheet dialog.
  • Allowed deletion of non-displayed cell blocks via Module Content Report tool. 30-Jul-23
  • Amended charts placement code to prevent deletion during alignment due to row creep.
  • Prevented use of Connect Model and Update Connected Assumptions with AutoSave on to prevent workbook corruption.
  • Extended AutoSave alignment management to better handle auto-alignment when Excel desktop not foreground window.
  • Added key surpression during row and columns insertion and deletion procedures to prevent user interception.
  • Disabled AutoRecover for modular workbooks by default when first opened.
  • Prevented module and issues register insertion and with AutoSave on to prevent workbook corruption.
  • Amended bug in New Window command for modular workbooks containing hidden sheets.
  • Amended corrupt workbook detection during opening to leave Excel file open if not unmanaged.
  • Stopped AutoSave being automatically turned off after user attempts to turn it on for a workbook not in the cloud. 27-Jul-23
  • Enhanced backup saving checks and automation to mitigate misaligned workbook corruption during AutoSave. 26-Jul-23
  • Amended connections updating to always default to the current user's connection if duplicates found.
  • Enhanced AutoSave management to mitigate risk of file corruption due to issues while saving files.
  • Removed hidden cells warning when merged cell assumption range selected.
  • Amended Add Check tool to replace redundant existing check instead of alerting to existing check.
  • Added caching of grouping and hiding all category rows setting.
  • Added license feature to force meta data writing during modular workbook saving. 17-Jul-23
  • Redirected all web callouts to
  • Removed Excel changes group references from Review tab as no longer supported by Microsoft.
  • Amended multi-linked workbook management to allow for moving between online and offline folders.
  • Added web messaging for improved user communication.
  • Fixed issue with custom theme not being applied to new financial models in User mode.
  • Added connections updating to time series alignment API.
  • Amended time series controls hooking to ensure always hooked when AutoSave if off. 9-Jul-23
  • Amended business units and entities licensing limitations bug.
  • Extended modular workbook unprotection to check for unrelated open workbooks as a last resort.
  • Amended protection checks when managing business units and consolidation models.
  • Removed in-built barcode tools from Insert tab as no longer supported by Microsoft. 27-Jun-23
  • Added API support for saving directly into SharePoint.
  • Amended categories layout categories summation detection to allow for inter-component summations on different sheets.
  • Amended reports generation to ensure calculation prior to table of contents being updated.
  • Cleaned up keytips across different tabs in different modes.
  • Fixed bug in Import Assumptions mapping when deleting categories that was throwing an incorrect rows misalignment error.
  • Added code to retain gridlines and panes when using the New Window command.
  • Added detection of AutoSaveOn for earlier Excel 2016 versions without this feature.
  • Fixed bug leaving sheets with time series hooked controls not password protected during save.
  • Fixed bug which was throwing an exception when pasting copied shapes to module component ranges.
  • Added optimization of charts and shapes alignment during save to reduce save time unless edits detected. 14-Jun-23
  • Fixed bug in table of contents page numbering in reports due to number formats localization. 13-Jun-23
  • Amended saving to prevent data tables calculating if manual calculation.
  • Added columns deletion to API.
  • Fixed bug in Options dialog Ribbon panel display when in Standardize & Review mode.
  • Amended the Go to Table of Contents tool to support overview sheet use.
  • Amended reports generation to facilitate Adobe PDF fallback. 9-Jun-23
  • Amended Import Assumptions to select prior tracking categories even if from a different account.
  • Fixed bug in Import Assumptions not re-selecting the prior assumptions mapping file when re-importing with tracking categories selected.
  • Enlarged Import assumptions dialog and allowed for automatic size and placement restoration.
  • Amended rows management to correctly align categories in mirrored modules if all category block rows selected.
  • Fixed bug in Connect Model / Import Assumptions tool that was selecting the wrong assumptions mapping file in some cases.
  • Refined change driver code to support version 12+ variable drivers format and switching between variable drivers and non-variable drivers.
  • Moved maximum categories allowed in Quick Financial Model server side.
  • Added account level error checking to connections before allowing import.
  • Relaxed Inter-Component Hyperlink tool to work even if only heading 4 target cell block located.
  • Enhanced Request Support tool to create a new support request.
  • Added dialog size restoration to the Change Driver dialog.
  • Amended number formatting to allow for currency being from a different region to Windows Region settings.
  • Added financial year end assumption alignment to newly opened modular workbooks.
  • Amended Quick Financial Model to complete even if reports cannot be generated.
  • Amended AutoSave management to prevent User mode corruption and allow default opening of modular workbooks with AutoSave off.
  • Added Adobe PDF export fallback if internal Excel PDF export tool unavailable.
  • Amended Insert Module options to allow for module component placement based on selection and links specification with child driver modules.
  • Added business unit and entity module names auto-alignment following module insertion. 23-May-23
  • Fixed bug in Replace Module and Change Driver redundant categories clearance that was throwing a null reference exception.
  • Refined reports PDF generation error logging. 21-May-23
  • Amended Reset Assumptions tool to handle dynamic text assumptions within some but not all categories or subtotals.
  • Amended Change Driver tool to check for required precedent modules.
  • Improved Delete Entity tool to remove invalidated assumptions and warn if errors created during deletion.
  • Enabled multiple cell sheet title rows selection deletion in User mode.
  • Allowed formula bar entry via mouse click to interrogate formulas in User mode.
  • Improved detection of source module library when no modular workbook source library found.
  • Added WIP, Issues Tracking and Workbook View tools to User mode.
  • Optimized reports to log PDF generation errors and try alternative generation commands upon initial failure.
  • Amended bug when deleting modules via the Project Manager tree view which ignored compacted child driver modules.
  • Enhanced management of modules as categories when replacing modules to behave like categories within modules. 9-May-23
  • Amended bug in automatic rows alignment based on shapes placement during save without changes. 8-May-23
  • Insert version 12 release for new variable drivers content creation and support.
  • Added compatibility check for modules as categories to require version 12+.
  • Amended business unit and entity module linking code to link business unit then entity modules first before any other modules.
  • Added business unit and entity deletion capability to API.
  • Extended cluster ID scope when auto-positioning module components to be workbook wide.
  • Amended default sheet title and name determination to ignore child driver module components within sheets.
  • Allowed hyphens within module component cluster IDs.
  • Turned off default application to all categories when hiding or unhiding rows.
  • Amended Change Driver and Replace Module commands to remove redundant unlinked precedent and dependent module categories.
  • Amended bug in Change Active Workbook Theme tool to ensure sheet tab colors are captured when changing themes.
  • Made Project Manager dialog load larger by default.
  • Prevented insertion of modules from linked workbooks which do not contain the project time series module.
  • Amended bug causing Tools tab to show in Developer mode at startup even after hidden by user.
  • Added ability to assign library variation ID to projects when changing drivers if no existing library variation found.
  • Refined version control handling when switching AutoSave on and off.
  • Improved handling and communication of corrupt workbooks.
  • Added required precedent module genres property to module files. 25-Apr-23
  • Signed code with new Sectigo digital signature. 25-Apr-23
  • Removed expired digital signature pending availability of new digital signature.
  • Removed SaveAs different path warning to avoid confusion. 12-Apr-23
  • Added financial statement data session start management.
  • Added report generation more advanced error communication. 31-Mar-23
  • Amended business unit and entity deletion code to prevent exception thrown due to revised redundant categories deletion approach. 23-Mar-23
  • Amended bug in precedent module redundant categories deletion when deleting modules as categories. 23-Mar-23
  • Added session end signaling to data API to optimize connect integrations management.
  • Added warning with consent before allowing overwriting of hidden cell blocks when entering data with hidden cells selected.
  • Removed assumptions formula entry warning if in User mode.
  • Amended bug in single cell copy and paste special values when hard coding formulas to values.
  • Amended Quick Financial Model to ensure AutoSave is not turned on during build.
  • Amended report module insertion to allow for placement combined dashboard and report scenario components.
  • Added prompt to insert a scenario manager module when inserting scenarios modules without an existing scenario manager detected in the workbook.
  • Amended redundant categories deletion code to ignore categories within modules as categories. 15-Mar-23
  • Amended bug in controls insertion to prevent exception message when invalid data entered into form.
  • Amended bug in business units and consolidations progress reporting during module names alignment without progress reporting active. 14-Mar-23
  • Added consent to closing Import Assumptions dialog if mapping panel viewed even if no changes made.
  • Prevented cell block shading being applied when opening workbooks with AutoSave on.
  • Amended Module Content Review tool to prevent incorrect non-default assumptions detection.
  • Optimized module component manager to prevent out of memory exception when the workbook contains a large number of modules. 19-Feb-23
  • Amended auto-placement of modules on insertion to allow for potential child driver modules.
  • Set the Change Driver tool to retain assumptions by default.
  • Stopped Update Connected Assumptions dialog calculating data tables when refreshing connections.
  • Added warning messages when trying to specify a block array range or range name as the list source.
  • Amended delete modules command within the project manager to allow for potential driver modules.
  • Amended formula entry calculation to ensure optimisation when named formulas detected in module.
  • Optimised calculation code to prevent unneccessary calculating of data tables.
  • Improved management of AutoSave to facilitate co-authoring.
  • Prevented double clicking of Open button in New Financial Model dialog.
  • Amended bug in driver module auto-naming to prevent continuous renaming of driver modules with duplicate category names.
  • Amended Change Driver tool to prevent unexpected module linking within business units and entities.
  • Amended Delete dialog within module components to correct load the Delete Modules dialog when delete module selected.
  • Improved refreshing of child driver module names in project manager module level panels.
  • Updated Office and Excel interop prerequisites to latest known versions (version 16). 25-Jan-23
  • Added logos to connection accounts in addition to images.
  • Added Selected Module cell block shading type.
  • Removed alerts when trigger cells attempt to rename a driver module.
  • Amended module linking to prevent unexpected modules as categories being created when inserting and replacing modules.
  • Renamed Test Drive tool Quick Model. 14-Dec-22
  • Forced caching of all downloads to prevent unexpected downloading of old cached files.
  • Amended all Modano website API calls to HTTPS for speed.
  • Amended typo in Refresh Connections dialog start and end periods text.
  • Amended Change Driver to ensure deletion of reduntant child driver modules when moving from variable drivers to non-variable drivers in a Business Units or Consolidation model.
  • Added AutoSave detection and instructions to optimize Excel and OneDrive for Modano models.
  • Prevented changing drivers of entities summary and business units summary modules when in user mode. 23-Nov-22
  • Tidied up test drive save view before saving.
  • Amended consolidations and business units code to allow deletion of entities and business units without any sheets.
  • Added support for automatic addition of scenario analysis content when changing drivers within business units and consolidation models.
  • Removed multiple cell blocks format condition warning if similar format conditions in all selected cell blocks.
  • Amended test drive to support non-English language and regional settings when entering initial forecast assumptions.
  • Added context sensitive Watch Video tool.
  • Amended Check Connectivity tool to check license if not already checked before loading.
  • Extended Fill Right of assumptions to allow even when empty and formula rows in between. 27-Oct-22
  • Added Test Drive tool.
  • Amended User mode key tips.
  • Amended custom module linking categories into totals specification.
  • Changed deletion of modules as categories to maintain relationships even with non-default assumptions within precedent and dependent categories.
  • Added Replace From File command to Change Drivers tool if Shift key pressed.
  • Enhanced data tables calculation options management to default to semi-automatic calculation with consent when data tables detected.
  • Refined Import Assumptions tool to better handle multiple combined imports. 12-Oct-22
  • Amended bug which caused Excel to crash when connections not found while trying to refresh connections.
  • Amended bug in Insert Module tool which cased a debug error when searching for available reports to add to.
  • Removed non-sequential sheets warnings when adding business units and entities.
  • Added error handling when selecting controls while in formula editing mode.
  • Amended Import Assumptions tool to correctly allow use of Excel connections.
  • Amended duplicate or mirror modules dialog to maintain relationships between multiple modules by default.
  • Amended cell shortcut insert categories command to not display the duplicate or mirror dialog. 11-Oct-22
  • Amended mode change menu to display regardless of subscription privileges.
  • Provided for deletion of redundant child driver modules when deleting driver parent modules.
  • Fixed insert multiple rows bug.
  • Allowed replacement of modules from file in User mode by holding down Control key when changing drivers.
  • Cleaned up high resolution display of progress meter dialogs.
  • Optimized New Financial Model and Example Models dialog downloads speed.
  • Optimized Change Driver progress reporting during drivers detection, module downloading and driver change processes.
  • Added display option for scenario modules when changing drivers to prevent confusion if no scenario manager.
  • Amended module insertion to ensure inactive categories set during insertion.
  • Included support for adding scenarios into financials not currently containing scenarios.
  • Included support for adding newly inserted report pages into existing reports.
  • Included support switching between variable drivers and non-variable drivers in single entity financial models.
  • Added auto-updating of theme to old training theme if inserting developer training modules.
  • Amended bug in Change Active Workbook Theme dialog which was ignoring auto-font coloring differences between themes. 19-Sep-22
  • Inclusion of User mode.
  • Release of web-based New Financial Model dialog.
  • Added support for variable drivers functionalities.
  • Simplified theme management.
  • Enhanced business units and consolidations modeling content and support tools.
  • Added support for mirroring business units and entities.
  • Amended Change Active Workbook Theme code to ensure checks inclusion and exclusion assumptions are maintained.
  • Added hideable consent requirement before allowing the resetting of all sheet names.
  • Amended Manage Module Components dialog to display cluster ID column if cluster ID found in selected component.
  • Added link out included column blocks detection to API.
  • Amended add scenario assumptions tool to include whole number data validation in the active scenario assumption cell block.
  • Amended Module Content Report tool to ignore empty rows if custom height setting specified.
  • Amended bug in Add Scenario Assumptions tool which was entering INDEX key formula as a freeform formula.
  • Added default assumptions sourcing to API.
  • Amended bug in consolidation duplicate entity procedure that was clearing page setups of duplicate sheets.
  • Amended Run Report command to temporarily hide sensitivity and alert check messages while creating reports.
  • Amended bug reading categories group link type specifications when auto-linking modules.
  • Added module precedents and dependents unlinking to API.
  • Changed default theme to Modano Impact.
  • Increased maximum module name length from 128 to 256 characters to accommodate driver modules.
  • Added Set to Training Theme tool for training compatibility.
  • Allowed for the assignment of libraries to modular workbooks using the Insert Module tool. 21-Jul-22
  • Recoded screen painting optimization to manage bug in Excel upgrade Version 2206 Build 16.0.15330.20260. 4-May-22
  • Amended Import Assumptions tool bug when importing from Excel with merged cells.
  • Amended Add Scenarios Assumptions tool bug when adding totals which was detecting categories group sub-totals.
  • Refined reports charts optimization steps.
  • Amended Quick Report automatic file name determination if single sheet report to reflect sheet title.
  • Amended Module Content Report to not report single empty row at bottom of module component within module as category module.
  • Extended copy and paste code to allow pasting across total-only rows into assumptions cells with empty rows between assumptions cell blocks. 18-Apr-22
  • Added a range of new themes for dashboard reporting purposes.
  • Amended update connected assumptions to ignore search text retained from last import assumptions.
  • Fixed bug when adding modules to module suite which was invalidly warning of corrupt modular workbook.
  • Amended update period titles code to not change selection when updating inactive categories.
  • Amended API sheet title editing bug when entering formulas. 17-Mar-22
  • Added cell block formula sourcing to API.
  • Amended categories line chart scaling to ensure consistent series smooth property.
  • Optimized import assumptions data importing to reduce download time when importing multiple periods of data.
  • Amended reports code to ensure sheet titles are updated before managing reports or updating report tables of contents.
  • Amended bug in reports which caused issues when verifying pagination with sheets in different window views.
  • Added ability to source module components by their period titles ID to the API.
  • Fixed bug in change active workbook theme tool when complex theme color combinations used.
  • Added set range indent level to API.
  • Added worksheet activation to reports pagination verification.
  • Amended dynamic template dialog to not download upon double click if in summary view.
  • Amended module components placement during module duplication and mirroring to ensure placement of duplicate or mirror components on decicated sheets alongside their source component sheets.
  • Added data validation to assumptions created using the Add Scenario Assumptions tool.
  • Added charts optimization to reports. 3-Mar-22
  • Fixed bug preventing Quick Report tool being used on freeform workbooks.
  • Fixed bug throwing error when running reports including sheets not set to normal view.
  • Amended active module component detection when loading the Manage Workbook Components dialog.
  • Amended module components addition to ensure correct ordering of sheets in module.
  • Amended freezing of panes on sheets containing dedicated module components to ensure that hidden sheet title rows can still be unhidden. 28-Feb-22
  • Amended module linking to shift to precedent categories if precedent subtotals not found instead of not linking.
  • Amended reports generation to prevent border optimisation issues from non-default sheet window zoom settings.
  • Amended table of contents printed page numbers calculation to allow for fit to pages wide and/or tall.
  • Amended management of dependent formulas when deleting sheet columns to limit management to impacted cell blocks only. 19-Feb-22
  • Amended Manage Reports dialog to ensure always top most when updating the report table of contents.
  • Amended warning when disallowing categories cell block freeform formula conversion to link in formula to provide better.
  • Amended Manage Reports dialog add sheets to report command to ignore existing sheets.
  • Amended advanced module insertion to not align categories with precedent or dependent modules in advance in case not linked.
  • Amended web view workbook preview generation to allow for hidden pane rows and columns.
  • Amended web view workbook preview generation to allow for shape hyperlinks to ranges.
  • Added warning when running reports if disabled data tables and scenarios are detected.
  • Fixed bug in icon set conditional formatting causing exception.
  • Fixed bug in Sheet Properties dialog which was indicating the incorrect base sheet type. 15-Feb-22
  • Enhanced code used to insert controls, chart objects, and shapes, warning if failure.
  • Changed data tables check to ignore data tables if all disabled and warn after enabled.
  • Amended overview sheet panel in Options dialog to allow preview of *.svg format logos.
  • Added report table of contents updating to the API. 7-Feb-22
  • Fixed bug in Refresh Workbook Controls tool to top move and size being disabled after running.
  • Added API support for control OnAction property updating.
  • Amended Import Assumptions tool to prioritize live component within the same module before checking for external source modules.
  • Amended Import Assumptions tool to facilitate live data importation from within the module and module component.
  • Added ability to specify whether or not to ignore hidden sheets in reports.
  • Extended paste special formats command to work on multiple identically positioned and sized cell blocks.
  • Added ability to add a range name to module components located on dedicated sheets with linked sheet titles to specify the sheet title link cell.
  • Amended module links dialog to display the selected cell block during first load.
  • Amended module component addition to link sheet title and hide title rows when module component added via dialog with these properties set.
  • Added check for charts with no series to module content report.
  • Fixed bug in module component insert above / below tool to prevent rows misalignment when mirrored modules.
  • Updated Spotlight to prioritize New Financial Model and Example Models dialogs. 25-Jan-22
  • Amended selection updating of sheet protection to ensure objects are unprotected after sheet activation.
  • Amended Search and Repair tool to ignore modular workbook meta data worksheet.
  • Cleaned up Spotlight images.
  • Amended example models dialog to ensure user guide button detects the selected example model library.
  • Stopped Assign Macro dialog being displayed multiple times when assigning macros to controls with multiple workbooks open.
  • Amended time series controls hooking and unhooking to prevent unwanted workbook links after saving.
  • Extended reports to automatically include duplicated and mirrored module sheets and components. 17-Jan-22
  • Amended Search and Repair tool to prevent errors being detected within text strings in formulas.
  • Added code to automatically delete redundant sheets from reports.
  • Amended reports table of contents derivation to detect pages within report sheets.
  • Added Merge Time Series Modules tool to Time Series menu and included within API.
  • Fixed bug in check box text painting in the Reset Time Series Sheet Panes dialog.
  • Fixed bugs in time series module merging code to ensure minor changes to time series components are all merged.
  • Amended time series module period titles addition code to ensure added sheet is named with period titles set ID.
  • Amended logo insertion code to ensure that *.svg format logos are not linked to file and are saved with the document when inserted.
  • Amended controls dialogs to ensure that range validation is in correct context.
  • Fixed bug when adding category block totals which was not refreshing WIP ranges within total row cell blocks.
  • Amended period titles compatibility check to treat cell blocks containing only comma values as equivalent to empty cell blocks.
  • Added controls refreshing to API.
  • Amended clipboard copy and paste management code to allow for pottential international row and column letters. 17-Dec-21
  • Incorporation of tracking categories into connected assumptions import and updating tools.
  • Amended import assumptions tool to allow preview in more instances.
  • Added auto-detection of budget source module component when potentially importing budget data.
  • Addition of PDF reports functionalities.
  • Amended Locate Module Links dialog to prevent wrapping following changes to windows UI defaults.
  • Fixed sheet protection bug to ensure top level outlining buttons work after save event.
  • Facilitated specification of limited import and export rows when importing asssumptions.
  • Amended assumptions formula detection to ignore tiny numbers with E- within formulas when determining whether to fill across.
  • Prevented loading of online workbooks if part of multi-linked workbook project and provided information and link to more information in dialog.
  • Included page setup margins and headers and footers in module component print settings capture.
  • Added dialog offering to switch calculation method to Automatic except for Data Tables if data tables and automatic calculation method detected.
  • Added replicate sheet title formula when duplicating or mirroring property to module components located on dedicated sheets.
  • Added hide sheet title rows property to module components located on dedicated sheets.
  • Allowed hyperlinks within modules to reference range names within other modules and non-module range names.
  • Allowed control cell links and list fill ranges to reference range names outside of their parent module.
  • Added ability to trigger period titles update from control outside of the time series module.
  • Amended import assumptions to allow for multiple category blocks within the same categories group when detecting import account types.
  • Removed Win32 API calls from Modano.xlam to prevent disablement by Windows Defender ATP Attack Surface Reduction.
  • Amended precedent links drag and drop code to work even if sheet title rows hidden.
  • Amended row height settings application alignment code to ensure that content and formatting within rows is captured during module insertion.
  • Fixed bug allowing time series sheets to be inserted without the project time series modular workbook open.
  • Added check for invalid Excel workbook password resulting from Excel bug when updating links between workbooks.
  • Fixed bug in code to determine last non-empty cell in export worksheet when importing assumptions from Excel.
  • Allowed fill color to be applied to subtotal spacer rows.
  • Amended bug in shapes placement during module insertion to capture horizontal and vertical line shapes.
  • Added horizontal page breaks to captured module component print settings.
  • Made Merge Categories Groups dialog sizeable.
  • Added ability to spin off mirrored modules into a new mirrored modules group.
  • Added ability to rename mirrored modules groups.
  • Amended clipboard bug which was disallowing copying the print area or titles ranges.
  • Allowed editing of format conditions across multiple cell blocks.
  • Added workbook logo and shapes insertion support for SVG and other newer image formats.
  • Added ability to insert workbook logos with modules.
  • Changed default workbook logos to SVG format.
  • Added new Add Doughnut Hole and Update Doughnut Hole charting tools.
  • Added new Smooth All Chart Lines charting tool. 8-Oct-21
  • Added code to manage multi-workbook Excel workbook structure unprotection nuance. 7-Oct-21
  • Amended module linking to correctly capture use of ignore precedent module prevent multiple links out.
  • Amended update dialog to handle high resolution screens.
  • Amended exams to include exam number arguments in API calls.
  • Removed unused conditional inclusion button from module suite module group properties dialog. 27-Sep-21
  • Amended Run Diagnostics tool to work within developer environment.
  • Amended bug in Import Assumptions income statement target data derivation code.
  • Prevented adding linked workbooks to non-locally saved projects.
  • Amended copy and paste code to remove error logging when server-based workbook.
  • Amended time series control unhooking to only select controls if not unhooked.
  • Amended diagnostics tool to report installed Excel add-ins and COM add-ins for potential conflicts detection. 18-Sep-21
  • Amended theming bug preventing correct application of conditional formatting using required colors based on theme colors.
  • Amended freeform sheets style updating after active workbook theme change to allow for wrap text.
  • Amended linked workbook time series period titles addition to ignore time series export modules and fix inconsistent rows error from incorrect row addition.
  • Stopped Import Assumptions tool erroneously detecting changes made and asking for consent to close without saving.
  • Added workbook save as logging and amended code to handle path difference but with warning. 8-Sep-21
  • Amended retain assumptions code to check for identical cell block locations if multiple matchs found.
  • Amended replace module tool to no place new module components if set to locate on dedicated sheet.
  • Amended bug in Import Assumptions tool preventing tool from loading in some instances. 2-Sep-21
  • Amended Import Assumptions tool to detect last import source organization for live linked models.
  • Amended Import Assumptions tool auto-mapping bug when mapping into existing non-default categories to ensure correct account type mapping.
  • Added prior use caching to Random Assumptions dialog.
  • Allowed Open without Modano tool to operate in Reader Mode.
  • Updated Import and Update Assumptions tools to detect and allow mapping to target rows. 8-Aug-21
  • Amended options dialog import theme color alignment preview refreshing issue.
  • Added freeze panes to module component print settings.
  • Amended bug in precedent module subtotals auto-addition when linking dependent module.
  • Refined update connected assumptions import periods detection if existing data.
  • Optimized page breaks detection to prevent long delays when large number of page breaks. 2-Aug-21
  • Amended bug throwing exception when setting sheet view level after saving workbook.
  • Added multiple categories updating capabilities to categories groups.
  • Amended data API bug to properly detect temporary API limit hit. 26-Jul-21
  • Minor amendments to new welcome dialog.
  • Fixed bug preventing duplicating and mirroring modules. 26-Jul-21
  • Incorporation of live link connections functionalities for Xero, QuickBooks Online, MYOB and Sage.
  • Extended Import Assumptions tool functionalities to support automatic updating of multiple connected components.
  • Amended Custom Hyperlink dialog display of other cell text.
  • Updated change mode dialog preview images for latest Excel version.
  • Amended Module Content Report to ignore unstyled cell blocks within subtotal rows in category blocks which disallow subtotals.
  • Amended multiple selected rows category insertion null reference exception.
  • Amended bug which was leaving the structure of modular workbooks protected after save.
  • Amended consolidation add and delete entity tools to default to selected entity if selected within entities summary.
  • Adding caching control to local repositories to allow specification of whether the content repository source library variation will be cached when inserting from content repositories.
  • Extended change library variation dialog to reflect changes between web and local content repositories.
  • Added auto-mapping command to Import Assumptions dialog preview pane.
  • Added delete redundant unmapped categories command to Import Assumptions dialog preview pane.
  • Amended theme change procedure to run faster if only theme colors changed.
  • Added ability to hide module as category prompts.
  • Changed New Dynamic Template dialog to load in summary view when first ever loaded.
  • Amended welcome pane to reflect updated focus on rolling one model technology.
  • Amended paste special bug to stop forced calculation of data tables and time series period titles updating. 7-May-21
  • Amended range value setting to use Value2 instead of Value to ensure date and currency formats do not cause issues.
  • Amended help menu content add-ons to reference new content libraries section of website.
  • Amended the account verification dialog to mitigate issues with high resolution screens and allow cancel.
  • Relaxed precedent links pane code to display non-categories layout category block total links out even when precedent category blocks are located within the same categories group as categories layout sections containing links out. 27-Apr-21
  • Amended sheet tab coloring to ensure correct coloring of sheet tabs during insertion.
  • Amended module content report tool to prevent false reporting of non-sequential link out cell blocks.
  • Added detailed warnings to duplicate entity tool if non-consecutive sheets or external entity module components are detected.
  • Amended bug in formula assumptions filling across which was only filling across the first detected assumptions cell block.
  • Amended duplicate and mirror module retain assumptions to check second heading as a fallback.
  • Added workbook option to control structure protection during save.
  • Amended module linking bug resulting from null reference error when linking modules containing global list category groups.
  • Extended exams management code for latest exercises. 6-Apr-21
  • Amended bug in exams marking code following upgrade.
  • Amended import assumptions tool from and to columns range selection bug.
  • Incorporated unmanage credits system.
  • Amended dialog Windows icons to reflect Windows settings. 23-Mar-21
  • Amended Rename Multiple Sheets tool to detect if multiple sheets already selected.
  • Amended exams marking to reference new external add-in. 19-Mar-21
  • Amended bug in Import Assumptions tool from recent optimization. 18-Mar-21
  • Amended API name range bug to allow named formulas.
  • Extended API commands to include basic management of categories groups and category blocks.
  • Amended module linking code to prevent unexpected precedent module categories addition.
  • Extended module linking after module insertion, duplication and mirroring to support precedent and dependent modules as categories being added.
  • Amended assumptions import tool to allow link in formulas into total row headings.
  • Amended categories into totals module linking to check for prevent multiple links out setting if module as category action detected.
  • Added freeform font color setting to API.
  • Amended sheet naming to maintain simplied capitalized sheet names where possible.
  • Extended module duplication and mirroring commands to provide more control over module linking and support maintaining relationships between duplicate and mirror modules.
  • Amended module links panel to allows showing and hiding of linked, unlinked and circular modules.
  • Added insert module options to allow control over module components placement and precedent and dependent module linking.
  • Amended bug in duplicate and mirror modules assumptions copying which was giving false error warnings when no assumptions are found.
  • Amended sheets protection during modular workbook save to allow collapsing and expanding of rows and columns by users without Modano installed.
  • Added Rename Multiple Sheets tool.
  • Added run macro trigger cell block type.
  • Amended duplicate and mirror modules as categories code to prevent infinite loops.
  • Fixed bug in time series compatibilty code which threw an exception when mering time series modules after deleting all operating time series assumptions.
  • Added Rename Multiple Modules tool.
  • Added Consolidations content library management tools via new context-sensitive Consol menu within the Build tab.
  • Extended scope of Save View tool to apply to all open modular workbooks when used in multiple linked workbook projects.
  • Amended export to import module code to add checks to import module components when included in their source export module components.
  • Added Open All Linked Workbooks tool to facilitate faster opening of multiple linked workbooks projects.
  • Added comment sizing caching to maintain comment sizing on high resolution devices.
  • Added option to fill across formulas within assumptions cell blocks when extending time series sheets and turned on by default.
  • Added limit links functionalities to module suite modules to enable control over links between inserted modules.
  • Added summary view to new dynamic template dialog and optimized load speed.
  • Added reset module assumptions to API.
  • Amended time series module merging to allow for relationships between added assumptions and lookup tables elements.
  • Amended new dynamic template theme alignment procedure to run after file open procedure is complete.
  • Amended bug in multi-workbook project Save As command which was displaying an error even after successful save.
  • Removed Q, Y and Z as available custom ribbon tab keytips as now reserved by Microsoft.
  • Allowed freeform formulas within mirrored modules.
  • Allowed toggling of total rows in lookup tables.
  • Amended Import Assumptions tool to detect NPAT to reconcile if exact match found.
  • Relaxed restrictions on Import Assumptions tool to allow limited preview even with invalid import formulas detected.
  • Amended Unmanage Workbook save as default folder location to reflect the active workbook folder.
  • Changed order of formula-creation module links consolidation to prioritize adding links in from existing links out. 1-Oct-20
  • Added ability to add sections using the API.
  • Added ability to add named formula range names using the API.
  • Removed module as category setting requirement for dependent module name trigger cells to trigger.
  • Amended Example Models dialog to allow filtering by developer and caching of the selected developer for subsequent use.
  • Relaxed Import Assumptions preview and Xero / QuickBooks availability requirements to broader application.
  • Amended drag and drop sheets access violation unhandled exception. 21-Sep-20
  • Digitally signed lcdata.dll system file to mitigate firewall block risks. 17-Sep-20
  • Amended dependent module naming following module insertion to reflect advanced trigger cells functionality.
  • Amended handling of prevent multiple links out of categories into totals to allow corresponding categories within different category blocks in the same categories group to be linked into different different modules.
  • Amended paste special command to support pasting different width merged rows data between cell blocks. 13-Sep-20
  • Extended trigger cell blocks functionality to facilitate multiple triggers of the same type being applied to the same cell block.
  • Extended trigger cell blocks functionality to allow separate specification of link out cell block for dependent module name triggers.
  • Improved inconsistent sheets monitoring to prevent false positive warnings being displayed when opening or closing linked workbooks. 2-Sep-20
  • Added support for Power Query Get & Transform Data and Queries & Connections tools.
  • Facilitated moving sheets within modular workbooks via drag and drop.
  • Amended dependent module name trigger cell blocks to only name dependent modules as categories if trigger cell block is a non-total cell block.
  • Amended exams marking to allow leniency in sub-total headings.
  • Amended import assumptions to always show actual vs. target analysis as long as export records are found.
  • Amended import assumptions to ignore first heading column in rows with only prior column heading detected.
  • Added code to support retainment of links in/out dialog location and size if re-opened over same modular workbook repeatedly.
  • Amended Invalid Tag list tool to ignore modular workbook meta data sheets.
  • Added more regular procedure logging during trial period.
  • Amended replace module categories alignment to align identically-named categories groups even without links in our out.
  • Amended New Dynamic Template dialog to ensure selected template is visible after loading dialog. 13-Aug-20
  • Amended time series module period titles merging to correctly order merged period titles sets and prevent multiple primary sets.
  • Amended module component auto-placement during insertion to allow for multiple time series period titles sets.
  • Amended certification exam marking to ignore inactive ordinary equity dividends declared assumptions. 11-Aug-20
  • Added current version display to web download panel.
  • Amended Insert Sheet dialog layout to better handle high-resolution displays.
  • Amended New Dynamic Template dialog filters to better handle high-resolution displays.
  • Amended Insert Module dialog to not store filter settings when replacing a module.
  • Amended practical exams assessment code for changes to Generic Financial Model libraries debt.
  • Amended Transfer Assumptions tool to select detected modules with the same names when changing the source or destination workbook.
  • Changed default display of Delete Modules As Categories Consent dialog to only display if non-default assumptions found. 28-Jul-20
  • Added prior multiple developers detection to New Dynamic Template dialog to smooth load UI.
  • Added code to ensure correct layout of filtering controls in New Dynamic Template when developer filtering visible.
  • Extended replace module assumptions restoration code to accommodate assumptions within categories layout sections.
  • Added module as category functionality to module suites and managed during module insertion from module suites.
  • Added code to trigger dependent module naming after modules as categories inserted, duplicated or mirrored.
  • Added Transfer Module Assumptions tool.
  • Amended module component auto-placement code to allow for clustered component book end components.
  • Added Transfer Module Assumptions tool to API.
  • Added spin off category block to API.
  • Added control over deletion of redundant unlinked categories to API.
  • Amended bug in module links library dialog filtering to allow for no module links displayed.
  • Added module as category management prompts to categories handling tools to educate users.
  • Amended New Financial Model Wizard code to handle COA7 module suites. 8-Jul-20
  • Allowed the specification of multiple starter models in local content repositories.
  • Resolved local content repositories bug preventing the addition of freeform Excel workbooks.
  • Incorporated special folder dynamic text capabilities in local content repository file paths.
  • Amended checks module component auto-placement on insertion to allow for existing neighboring appendices module components. 29-Jun-20
  • Amended bug throwing exception when pasting assumptions into dependent module name trigger cell blocks.
  • Amended assumptions copy paste bug pasting same data into multiple assumptions cells when copy and paste range overlap.
  • Amended theme export to display entered theme name by default in Save As dialog.
  • Stopped period titles update dialog being displayed if only the active sheet period titles are being updated and no non-default assumptions are impacted. 26-Jun-20
  • Amended API module insertion, replacement and mirroring code to hide update period titles dialog.
  • Amended Replace Model tool to check for matching module name based on genre and category.
  • Added backwards alignment of update categories trigger cell blocks.
  • Amended dependent module name trigger cell blocks to allow for releated cell block being in a different category block.
  • Amended bug in API change module component type command.
  • Amended Trigger Cell Blocks dialog to prevent headers wrapping.
  • Amended Manage Module Names dialog to refresh after name deletion.
  • Added range name deletion to API.
  • Removed bug from content repository unprotect command which was closing the dialog.
  • Added custom TOC hyperlink deletion to API. 19-Jun-20
  • Amended bug in shapes deletion code preventing shapes deletion when Delete key pressed.
  • Improved dependent charts management during range cut and paste operation.
  • Amended content repository add icon high resolution bug.
  • Amended categories groups merging to support merging time series categories group into non-time series categories group.
  • Amended copy and paste code to allow pasting into blank components on time series sheets to the right of the last time series sheet column.
  • Added code to retain the replaced module name in the replacement module if same base name.
  • Added account verification and installation recording procedures to better map accounts to installations.
  • Added error handling to charts processing to prevent exceptions thrown when trying to process charts on sheets not yet activated.
  • Amended Replace Module assumptions reinstatement to still work even if links into rows as long as not into assumptions cell blocks. 16-Jun-20
  • Amended bug causing Reader Mode to be incorrectly displayed when Excel is first loaded.
  • Amended Insert Sheet dialog to better handle high resolution displays.
  • Added error handling when data validation is applied to non-cell block ranges.
  • Amended time series compatibility determination to ignore unreferenced assumptions and lookups components.
  • Amended formula processing null reference exception when top left cell precedent is invalidated. 13-Jun-20
  • Amended bug in latest version Insert Module from Web module components placement optimizations. 12-Jun-20
  • Updated installer and related program logos and colors.
  • Amended Reader Mode detection during load. 12-Jun-20
  • Amended bug in module component insert before or after module component code to ensure loading from file.
  • Amended module insertion auto placement code to ensure insert before or after module component is reflected.
  • Added module component cluster functionality to facilitate cluster placement during module insertion.
  • Added replace module try retain assumptions functionality.
  • Allowed copying and pasting of data tables within the same module component.
  • Refined adjacent border conflicts detection to ignore identical borders.
  • Allowed heading 2 and 3 cell blocks to be used as the target for inter-component hyperlinks.
  • Added support for multiple module component formula precedents in formulas, validation, named formulas and conditional formats.
  • Added module link name guessing based on precedent range data.
  • Added inactive categories functionality to time series-based categories groups.
  • Allowed addition of module links to time series-based category blocks.
  • Added insert new categories group category block to API.
  • Allowed references to first and last categories even if subtotals allowed as long as not spanning category block without subtotals when formula is entered.
  • Added update categories trigger cell block functionality.
  • Amended lookups component auto-positioning to ensure not auto-positioned on imports or exports sheets.
  • Amended lookups sheet insertion to ensure no unwanted default content.
  • Added redundant trigger cell blocks detection to the Module Content Report tool.
  • Amended bug in period titles block columns updating via categories addition and removal.
  • Added ability to add period titles sets via the API.
  • Added ability to manage period titles block automation via the API.
  • Added ability to add comments using the API.
  • Added ability to add interior color with format conditions using the API.
  • Added column number dynamic text capability to default assumptions within non-category rows.
  • Added ability to add format condition borders using API.
  • Amended module component auto-placement to allow for placement alongside prior module components of different type within same module.
  • Addition of data tables management tools and trigger cells.
  • Refined above/below border conflict management code to better reflect row priority.
  • Added cluster ID property inheritance when adding module components to sheets.
  • Amended Module Content Report load position code to prevent strange positioning on high-resolution displays.
  • Added Solver support to modular workbooks.
  • Amended the New Dynamic Template dialog to support multiple starter models within library variations.
  • Renaming of release workbook command to unmanage workbook.
  • Cleaned up Reader edition communication and dialogs.
  • Added data tables tutorial dialog and website link.
  • Amended module component assumptions cell editing to support dragging and dropping of formula precedents. 1-May-20
  • Added local content repositories functionality.
  • Updated save consent dialog to reflect latest Office theming. 16-Apr-20
  • Amended module name cell updating to prevent entry of module category twice.
  • Amended cut and paste redundant rows deletion code to prevent infinite loop. 8-Apr-20
  • Facilitated cutting and pasting between module components within the same module.
  • Amended module linking to remove bug when linking modules as categories with prevent multiple links out switched on.
  • Amended API cut and paste to facilitate cutting and pasting between components. 3-Apr-20
  • Amended handling of module auto-linking when preventing multiple links out with multiple precedent modules to prevent redundant categories creation.
  • Amended API to remove strict validation by default.
  • Amended API cell block range and value set to handle time series period title cell blocks.
  • Fixed lookup tabel labels value setting code to allow for mirrored modules.
  • Amended API to facilitate setting of lookup table label values.
  • Amended range within range detection to allow for entire rows and columns.
  • Amended API to facilitate manipulation and deletion of time series period titles sets.
  • Amended API to facilitate the deletion of time series period titles rows.
  • Amended API to facilitate setting of time series property of time series modules.
  • Amended option button command to ensure that the option button control type is selected when the dialog loads.
  • Inclusion of Color Blind theme in options. 23-Mar-20
  • Amended API set range italic command bug.
  • Added row categories group name detection to API.
  • Amended API category block insertion to work even if specified range extends to right of editable range.
  • Added font conditional formatting to API. 17-Mar-20
  • Added trigger cell block name cell block functionality.
  • Allowed square brackets in module names and module generic names.
  • Added trigger cell module renaming capture after setting default assumptions and resetting assumptions.
  • Amended plugins to support importing assumptions into chart of accounts 7 modules. 5-Mar-20
  • Updated exams marking to reflect updated dashboardsin financial modeling training exercises. 3-Mar-20
  • Fixed bug causing non-control shapes to be orphaned during module prefix change.
  • Added hide progress argument to API save view command.
  • Amended charts updating code to prevent VBA Debug dialog being displayed when Escape key pressed while chart is updating.
  • Amended module insertion code to correctly detect single component libraries and library variations.
  • Updated exams marking to reflect updated dashboards. 21-Feb-20
  • Increased allowed sheet buffer rows from 64 to 1028.
  • Added delete comments command to API.
  • Amended theme import tool to allow XML file format.
  • Amended column spans management to ensure sheet columns reset after removal of components. 4-Feb-20
  • Added code to clear undo history when activating or deactivating charts.
  • Amended bug in custom styles panel in Options to allow removal of custom style type.
  • Amended checks summary Summary row to ensure total checks count is not # due to insufficient column width.
  • Amended bug in API precedent links insertion code to correctly detect precedent rows link out.
  • Amended lookup table range name captions insertion to ensure updated when inserting, duplicating and mirroring modules.
  • Amended Import Assumptions tool to align first export heading column with the selected assumptions mapping file when initially loaded.
  • Amended Change Active Workbook Theme import to import cell content coloring setting if styles and colors imported.
  • Added insert lookup table to API.
  • Added apply/clear work in progress fill color to API.
  • Amended charts processing to limit deactivation processing to range selection or change selection change.
  • Amended Options dialog logos deletion code to prevent logo remaining in preview after deletion.
  • Added version history replication to API. 24-Jan-20
  • Amended Link In dialog to ensure refreshing of precedent links pane after execution.
  • Added advanced theme option allowing for the default ignoring of theme colors when applying theme to existing workbooks.
  • Amended duplicate and mirror module code to copy sheet outline and zoom properties for components located on dedicated sheets.
  • Amended release workbook tool to manage read-only recommend setting of the workbook being released.
  • Amended web content sourcing dialogs to enlarge to display filters if possible. 23-Jan-20
  • Amended bug affecting categories during linking when added before first existing category. 22-Jan-20
  • Amended bug in API project controls placement procedure.
  • Relaxed dynamic template changed theme detection to ignore auto font color styles and currency code differences. 21-Jan-20
  • Amended default theme to correctly reflect Heading 2 font and border.
  • Amended theme detection to ignore properties from excluded style components. 21-Jan-20
  • Amended Options dialog logo handling to ensure that existing encoded logos are cleared when setting logos.
  • Ensured overview sheet logo is deleted when opening workbooks from web and no overview sheet logo is specified in options.
  • Amended the Format Cells dialog used when editing module components to load with fill coloring even if based on non-displayed theme colors.
  • Amended Module Content Report tool to ignore formulas within sub-total assumptions cell blocks.
  • Amended bug in API disallowing the setting of project module link properties.
  • Added module suite module time series property to API module suite module class.
  • Fixed bug in options customization which was not storing changes to the apply all colors with theme option.
  • Added detail to the sub-total and cell link style menu item descriptions for clarity.
  • Added option to ignore theme colors when applying your stored theme to the active workbook.
  • Amended default Presentation Heading 2 style to be gray font with gray background and no borders.
  • Added functionality to API to refresh styles within specific sheets and module components.
  • Amended replace module component positioning code to allow for adjacent module components within the module being replaced.
  • Amended categories management to ensure preservation of links out of global list-based category blocks to non-global list-based category blocks. 9-Jan-19
  • Further amended installer to include all QuickBooks OAuth2 files to ensure DLLs correctly loaded. 9-Jan-19
  • Amended range within range determination code to allow for multiple area inner and outer ranges.
  • Added hide sheet property to module components to facilitate the auto-hiding of sheets containing dedicated components after module insertion.
  • Amended Change Active Workbook Theme command to prevent charts and other shapes being mis-positioned on worksheets with non-100% zoom.
  • Amended installer to include all QuickBooks OAuth2 files to ensure DLLs correctly loaded. 8-Jan-19
  • Amended logo placement on Create Dashboard Template dialog.
  • Amended Restructure Workbook tool to facilitate table of contents updating after changes made.
  • Added Delete Issues Register tool to Issues Tracking tools.
  • Amended Report Issue dialog to allow for scaling while controls are removed.
  • Amended logos loading in Options dialog to properly release them from memory after closing the dialog.
  • Amended replace module code to better ensure replacement module components are positioned based on those within the module being replaced.
  • Amended bug in hyperlinks referencing precedent cell block range names when the cell block contains multiple range names.
  • Added conditional formats clearance to API.
  • Allowed API row links management commands to work on export modules.
  • Allowed API cell block shorten/extend command to work on export modules.
  • Updated QuickBooks import code to handle OAuth2 requirements introduced during December 2019. 9-Dec-19
  • Facilitated handling of multiple library variations.
  • Amended width of library change consent dialog. 3-Dec-19
  • Prevented no names dialog being displayed when loading Module Names Manager when there are no names in the active module.
  • Amended API module deletion to provide control over the deletion of unlinked categories following module deletion.
  • Amended API module replacement to hide links consent and warning alerts.
  • Amended API Toc updating to ignore application auto-update Toc setting.
  • Amended paste special bug causing exception when pasting formulas that create category blocks. 1-Dec-19
  • Amended categories insertion during module linking to ensure added categories are hidden if their adjacent categories are hidden.
  • Amended API cell block dependents determination to include cell block range name dependents.
  • Amended bug causing Tools tab visibility to be lost after restarting Excel if toggled via Tools menu within Build tab.
  • Amended conditional formatting bug causing inconsistent conditional formulas when applied to categories layout categories or categories that reference them.
  • Amended font content coloring range constants detection to allow for multiple area merged cell ranges.
  • Added allow/disallow subtotals to API. 24-Nov-19
  • Added amend library variations data to API commands.
  • Amended bug in Import Assumptions tool preventing mapping to total-only rows. 21-Nov-19
  • Widened project, workbook and module properties editing text fields.
  • Added code to prevent mirrored module assumptions cell blocks being impacted when pasting into assumptions cell blocks.
  • Amended module linking code to manage precedent categories totals into dependent totals allowing for modules as categories.
  • Fixed null reference bug in insert module suite module from web.
  • Fixed row index out of range bug when inserting a new module via adding a new module components to a sheet. 19-Nov-19
  • Amended bug in insert module procedure resulting from multiple linked workbooks code changes. 19-Nov-19
  • Added F4 repeat capability to ribbon Home tab toggle buttons.
  • Added Clean Metadata tool to the Recover Files dialog.
  • Amended multiple linked workbooks bug causing redundant metadata bloating on save.
  • Amended Delete key press handling to allow deletion of cell block values or formulas without the cell block being deleted if dependents.
  • Amended module components manager locate on dedicated sheets check box location to prevent confusion. 18-Nov-19
  • Added zoom property to web view sheet object.
  • Amended API set module properties to allow for mirrored modules.
  • Amended time series compatibility determination to look for linked cells when determining required content.
  • Amended Excel-based categories insertion and deletion precedent categories management to default to Maintain if nothing found.
  • Allowed the assignment of links in and out of lookup tables.
  • Amended bug in freeform workbook expanded view tools to correctly detect grouped period titles rows.
  • Amended automatic linking of precedent category blocks into dependent total-only rows to link in categories even if categories total rows exist.
  • Amended external paste special to stop pasting blank cell blocks.
  • Amended module as category property to not automatically set to duplicate for prior-existing modules.
  • Fixed ribbon UI bug that was loading the Manage Linked Workbooks tool when calling the Saved Linked Workbooks command. 11-Nov-19
  • Amended freeform lookups sheet content to allow for filled H2 style.
  • Amended freeform issues register insertion to correctly insert after last sheet.
  • Amended module component insertion code to allow insertion of outputs components directly into assumptions sheets.
  • Amended theme loading to succeed even if theme components such as logos are not included in the theme being loaded.
  • Changed theme importation via Options dialog to ensure theme name and description is loaded into dialog.
  • Amended bug in module component editing to capture escaping out of title editing.
  • Added Edit Module Component Properties tool to Components menu.
  • Allowed changing of module component type after creation.
  • Amended period titles set duplication to handle reordering of period titles sets after duplication in dialog.
  • Facilitated matching multiple cell block copying and pasting special values, formulas and formats.
  • Added 85% zoom to workbook view menu.
  • Added trigger cell blocks management to API.
  • Added dependent module name trigger cell blocks.
  • Added manual triggering of trigger cell blocks from the Trigger Cell Blocks dialog.
  • Added optional consent dialog before deleting modules as categories as a result of deleting categories.
  • Relaxed restrictions during import assumptions to allow importing into related category blocks and category blocks without assumption headings.
  • Added dialog requiring user to specify what to do with links in and out of categories during category insertion and deletion.
  • Recoded version module linking changes to ensure circular links supported if not infinite loop. 1-Nov-19
  • Amended replace module procedure to activate corresponding component in replacement module after replacing.
  • Amended duplicate and mirror module component activation to ensure corresponding module component is selected afterwards.
  • Amended replace module code to ensure previously unlinked precedent and dependent modules of the replaced module are not linked to the replacement module.
  • Amended module links in assignment auto-precedent detection to detect categories total precedent.
  • Prevented adding, moving or deleting duplicated period titles sets in the period titles dialog after a set has been duplicated as a workaround to the bug in this functionality.
  • Amended bug causing auto font coloring to be applied incorrectly to merged cell blocks. 30-Oct-19
  • Amended default theme to not include blue font coloring on assumptions styles.
  • Amended duplicate/mirror module linking to manage circular categories linking flow on effects.
  • Amended precedent links pane available link outs displayed heading to show first included cell block contents.
  • Amended auto-font coloring to treat blanks as constants rather than formulas.
  • Fixed bug in default assumptions detection during module linking to ensure that included cell blocks are always checked. 25-Oct-19
  • Amended paste special values to only check for period titles updating if required rather than every time. 24-Oct-19
  • Amended check conditional formatting application to work on multiple cell blocks simultaneously.
  • Added status bar information to project manager composition panels.
  • Amended module component insertion above or below to insert on active sheet even if different module area.
  • Fixed bug in shortcut procedure which was always calling the copy columns tool after recent changes to calling mechanism.
  • Fixed bug delete Modano and non-Modano styles tools, which were calling the wrong procedures. 15-Oct-19
  • Amended invalid link in column reference message in freeform formula dialog.
  • Facilitated repeat of all commands via consolidation of freeform and modular procedures pipe.
  • Fixed ribbon bug null reference to presentation overview sheet image.
  • Amended bug preventing file format 7 files from loading due to sheet title rows count being set to zero instead of 4.
  • Allowed data validation to be applied to multiple cell blocks simultaneously.
  • Amended new module link addition process to not create the module link base name or description unless different to the module link name.
  • Allowed dynamic text to be set to overwrite non-link in formulas in a cell block. 10-Oct-19
  • Included data tables support within module components.
  • Added auto-extension of copied or cut category block ranges to include empty bottom total row.
  • Extended trigger cell blocks functionality to include module naming.
  • Added ability to add blank assumptions components directly to time series assumptions sheets.
  • Added invalid Microsoft ribbon controls recognition and update avoidance for stability.
  • Amended Insert Empty Module dialog to increase maximum prefix length to 11 characters.
  • Amended module content report to stop reporting empty link out cell blocks purely because a category block total cell block is empty.
  • Changed module component keyboard capture to run through main Modano add-in for speed and debug dialog display prevention. 26-Sep-19
  • Amended bug while editing modular workbook properties which was disallowing changes to the workbook version.
  • Added undo to assumptions entry delete key press.
  • Amended format conditions application code to prevent trying to apply borders to inner and edge borders.
  • Amended bug in options reading from file to ensure custom style number formats and alignment are correctly read.
  • Added undo add, edit and delete comments.
  • Amended comments management to be based on points rather than pixels.
  • Added automatic alignment of sequential link in formulas when adding links in and including or excluding link in blocks.
  • Added automatic zooming to precedent links pane drag and drop to ensure accurate guidance lines.
  • Added precedent link out detection and link in prompt when assigning a new link in to a total-only row.
  • Amended bug in undo formula entry to ensure empty precedent cell blocks are removed upon undo. 19-Sep-19
  • Rebuilt undo pipe to facilitate more robust and reliable undo.
  • Added undo assumptions entry via keyboard and copy paste.
  • Added undo freeform number format application.
  • Added undo modular worksheet title rows editing.
  • Added undo category block insertion via value entry.
  • Added undo insert section.
  • Added undo value entry into module components.
  • Added undo formula entry into module components.
  • Added undo existing link in formula editing.
  • Added undo cell block formatting.
  • Added undo insert non-category rows.
  • Added undo module component style apply.
  • Added undo subtotal insertion.
  • Added undo workbook logo insertion.
  • Added undo categories insertion.
  • Added undo module renaming.
  • Added undo basic cut and paste.
  • Added undo basic copy and paste.
  • Amended bug which was causing rows misalignment when adding category blocks via value or formula entry within a mirrored module.
  • Refined selection update keyboard capture to ignore key down repeats for speed.
  • Amended access denied dialog to prevent null reference exception during load.
  • Amended release workbook request API call to include only access types without release rights. 2-Sep-19
  • Added period titles update trigger cell blocks functionality to allow triggering of period titles updating from within standard module components.
  • Added period titles block auto update consent option to Manage Period Titles dialog.
  • Amended cut and paste command within module components to ensure the clearance of cut range styles and formats.
  • Amended formula processing to allow precedent references to time series module named formulas. 20-Aug-19
  • Amended delete key behavior when used to delete links into cell blocks with mirrored modules to prevent misalignment. 19-Aug-19
  • Prevented automatic updating of overview sheet developer and logo when opening example models.
  • Amended categories layout consisteny formula entry optimimzation to allow for absolute column reference precedents. 14-Aug-19
  • Amended API border style application to allow for double border weight being thick.
  • Amended API to allow for the naming of cell block ranges.
  • Added auto-alignment of new sub-total heading formulas when prior or next sub-total headings reference consistent categories or sub-totals.
  • Amended API get and set link in formulas code to allow for data typing and mirrored modules. 8-Aug-19
  • Added additional Excel 64-bit determination logging.
  • Reduced buffer days on content add-on trials expiry from 2 days to 1 day.
  • Added easy upgrade of content add-on trials to full licences. 8-Aug-19
  • Internal testing release. 7-Aug-19
  • Amended sheets refreshing during save to prevent charts and controls becoming uneditable.
  • Added diagnostics tool detection of Microsoft Store version of Office installed.
  • Added configure tool detection of Microsoft Store version of Office installed. 6-Aug-19
  • Added module activation capability to the Manage Mirrored Modules dialog.
  • Amended EULA to remove references to deprecated Enterprise Edition of Modano.
  • Added time series module renaming warning to limit accidental renaming of time series module.
  • Added content add-ons button to the Help menu.
  • Added more advanced Excel versioning analysis to the Diagnostics tool.
  • Added logging to licensing and registration to better manage registration failures due to failed caching of licensing data.
  • Added basic detection of Windows Apps installation to Diagnostics tool. 1-Aug-19
  • Added content add-on trial support.
  • Added limited access protection for use when trialing premium content add-ons.
  • Amended Create Dashboard Template tool bug preventing columns sizing correctly on some printers.
  • Allowed conditional formatting to be applied to multiple cell blocks simultaneously.
  • Added diagnostics tool to license failure dialog.
  • Removed check box form controls from checks modules to facilitate workbook editing in Excel Online.
  • Added user agent property to license data to address potential firewall blockage risks during licensing.
  • Amended automated module linking code during module replacement to allow for precedent module links out preservation. 5-Jul-19
  • Added sub-totals insertion and deletion to the API.
  • Added warning to Excel Find tool when used on module components.
  • Added Office theme colors default loading if when no Office theme color files located.
  • Amended bug in controls placement repeated attempts option to ensure setting is stored.
  • Amended controls placement repeat attempts loading from options during start up.
  • Added auto-creation of subtotals in precedent and dependent modules when links from multiple modules have been consistently grouped by module using subtotals.
  • Fixed bug which was hiding grouped rows during module mirroring and duplicating even when visible in the source module.
  • Amended time series compatibility merge time series module required global lists determination to include non-categories groups-based referenced global lists.
  • Updated add-in based new account creation to warn if generic email address entered.
  • Amended time series compatibility merge time series module to allow merging of partial additional content to time series assumptions and lookups components. 28-Jun-19
  • Amended project manager dialog during module linking and object deletion to ensure focus is maintained.
  • Allowed module links to be added between categories in related global list-based category blocks.
  • Removed sub-totals and totals from prevent multiple links out impacts. 24-Jun-19
  • Amended auto-linking during module duplication and mirroring to allow for non-categories precedents linking into category blocks.
  • Amended automatic sheet naming to include module number if module component ID specified and module number is greater than 1. 24-Jun-19
  • Amended project manager to ensure focus is retained when editing properties of modules not located in the active workbook.
  • Fixed bug that was preventing module link formulas from being entered via formula entry. 21-Jun-19
  • Amended time series period titles update procedure to ensure selection restoration after updating.
  • Fixed bug when copying and pasting global list-based category blocks between projects. 12-Jun-19
  • Amended controls insertion when allowing moving and sizing with cells to disable if unsupported by clipboard.
  • Fixed bug which was causing the controls shortcut menu to be disabled in freeform workbooks.
  • Amended automated module linking behaviour to always default to categories when Automatic.
  • Fixed module linking status determination bug which was showing single category linked into total category as partial instead of fully linked.
  • Amended bug in existing category links determination code.
  • Amended mirror module bug which was maintaining formulas in mirrored modules after applying assumptions styles to non-assumptions cell blocks.
  • Amended module auto-linking following insertion, duplication and mirroring to handle indirect circular link relationships.
  • Facilitated the use of modules as categories allowing for auto-duplication or mirroring following categories addition.
  • Added consent-based auto-alignment of mirrored module links in addition and removal via precedent links pane and formula entry.
  • Removed underscores from capitalized single word sheet names for secondary modules when auto-naming sheets.
  • Added module optimizations to faciltiate optimization of mirroring and duplicating modules in large modular workbooks.
  • Optimized Excel alignment by delaying delayable alignment actions thereby preventing repeats during multiple alignment procedures.
  • Added invalid precedents formulas to the Module Content Report tool.
  • Added shape hyperlinks to web view workbook preview generation and allowed for target URLs in addition to ranges.
  • Amended bug which was preventing logos from being inserted with a theme when customizing options.
  • Forced web call out when denied release workbook rights to verify rights against license. 6-May-19
  • Optimized assumptions copying and pasting to prevent unnecessary font color refreshing delays. 6-May-19
  • Optimized workbook activation management to prevent corrupt memory volatility.
  • Amended ribbon maximization determination to be reliable on Excel 2010+.
  • Added ability to copy and paste special comments for single cell comment copying and pasting. 3-May-19
  • Added option to disable controls move and size placement setting to work around Excel crash issues when pasting older version controls.
  • Minor code optimizations to prevent corrupt protected memory handling exceptions.
  • Amended alerts processing to not log when alerts are hidden.
  • Removed events capture at very start of module insertion and model creation processes to prevent other add-ins conflicting during procedures.
  • Added row visibility alignment to row grouping and ungrouping to prevent unexpected hiding or unhiding of rows when inserting modules, etc.
  • Amended copy and paste to prevent assumptions being pasted over non-assumptions cell blocks. 1-May-19
  • Optimized Excel calculation handling to prevent exceptions when no open workbook.
  • Disabled insert and cancel buttons during module insertion and new model creation processes to prevent double-clicking. 30-Apr-19
  • Amended Excel settings removal to allow for unforeseen exceptions.
  • Amended Audit Cell Content tool to never return blank cells.
  • Handled attempts to name sheet 'Hidden' which is not allowed in Excel as it is reserved.
  • Optimized assumptions pasting to speed up pasting into category blocks.
  • Moved shapes and charts copying code into Excel add-in to prevent clipboard conflict issues.
  • Updated Excel add-in digital certificate. 17-Apr-19
  • Added mass entry tool to Random Assumptions dialog.
  • Amended categories chart series insertion to ensure consistent line weights.
  • Added module component link to sheet title property to API.
  • Removed clipboard clearance and process name collection from controls copying and pasting.
  • Amended Example Models dialog to record the source library variation in opened example models so modules can easily be inserted. 11-Apr-19
  • Amended module component positioning during insertion to position presentation outputs before assumptions even without section covers.
  • Amended RGB color section control to handle tab key movement between color controls.
  • Added ability to add module components via the API.
  • Amended API copy and paste to allow inter-sheet copying and pasting of module component data.
  • Amended time series module insertion region issue which was defaulting to a specific region.
  • Amended 64-bit CBT hook behaviour to limit workbook activation triggering to external thread window de-activation.
  • Removed events capture during major procedures to prevent unwanted hook captures and crashing.
  • Amended customize theme mode mouse detection to allow for scaled screens.
  • Optimized align Excel objects code calculation method re-instatement. 2-Apr-19
  • Amended module links and module areas dialogs to provide for deletion of base name and description fields using the delete key.
  • Fixed bug in module links library module links deletion code.
  • Extended module links library copy and paste functionality to allow for multiple cell copying and pasting.
  • Added module areas and links library counter to dialogs.
  • Amended typo in spin of category block dialog.
  • Added column settings management to API.
  • Added cell block precedents and dependents detection to API. 27-Mar-19
  • Added code to manage above and below adjacent column merged cell blocks with borders between them.
  • Amended partially-linked module detection to prevent false positives when all linkable categories are linked.
  • Switched off missing default assumptions warnings by default to allow for override blank assumptions cells. 21-Mar-19
  • Amended module component auto positioning in workbook to ensure section covers are auto-inserted.
  • Amended download dialog to correctly reflect the visibility of the libraries pane.
  • Amended module prefix amendment bug which was incrementing the adjusted module prefix following a change in only the case of a module prefix.
  • Allowed changing of module prefix case using API.
  • Fixed Search and Repair formatting of freeform ranges in modular workbooks bug.
  • Added repeat functionality to Toggle WIP Range tool. 18-Mar-19
  • Provided for cross-threading when loading Dynamic Templates dialog.
  • Added Excel row module links in and out return functions to API.
  • Extended API to facilitate sourcing of all link in or out rows in modules or module components.
  • Optimized module links library management and assignment to rows to allow for large numbers of module links.
  • Amended module component insertion placement code to stop standard module assumptions components being inserted before the time series assumptions component.
  • Allowed for cross threading in Insert Module dialog to prevent cross threading exceptions when downloading module data.
  • Improved handling of differential scaling on both single monitor and multiple monitor use.
  • Fixed Insert Categories Layout Section dialog to display multiple available categories groups.
  • Prevented dragging and dropping of precedent module links on screens with non-100% scaling.
  • Amended Pin to Right and Unpin from Right commands to work on time series sheets as intended.
  • Added Insert Function dialog support via both mouse and keyboard shortcut access. 9-Mar-19
  • Amended typo in multiple monitors with scaling warning dialog.
  • Amended default currency code detection for dynamic text to be based on running options. 7-Mar-19
  • Added currency symbol dynamic text type to assist with the development of region-agnostic modules. 5-Mar-19
  • Added modular workbook custom xml part deletion detection and warnings.
  • Amended the variant field name in the dynamic template properties selection dialog.
  • Fixed Import Assumptions tool category deletion to ensure precedent and dependent categories are also deleted.
  • Added screens information to diagnostics tool to assist in diagnosing multiple monitor scaling issues.
  • Amended linked workbook insertion procedure to replicate active workbook options.
  • Allowed repeated pasting special formats using F4 key.
  • Increased maximum length of module area names from 20 characters to 64 characters. 25-Feb-19
  • Added ability to specify the behaviour of links in and out of category blocks within categories groups when auto-linking modules following insertion, duplicating and mirroring.
  • Added categories group default auto-linking properties management to API.
  • Amended new financial model wizard to not insert section or sub-section covers if single component variant chosen.
  • Amended new custom modular workbook tool to not insert section or sub-section covers if single component variant chosen.
  • Amended insert module tool to not insert section or sub-section covers if single component variant chosen.
  • Amended EULA to explicitly broaden jurisdictional applicability.
  • Amended custom modular workbook dialog bug which was preventing the creation of a custom modular workbook from an existing project.
  • Added ability to view and copy full module link and module area identifiers.
  • Added multiple monitor scaling detection and removable alert.
  • Amended threaded comments group in ribbon to prevent inadvertent deletion of notes within module components.
  • Added move sheets code to API.
  • Amended module component insertion auto-positioning to allow for single component models not using core section and sub-section covers. 18-Feb-19
  • Added example models dialog caching to preserve last selected example model.
  • Added sheet module component count to API.
  • Amended modular workbook management of Format Painter to prevent Excel crashing when used on freeform sheet ranges.
  • Amended Audit Cell Content tool workbook check to correctly detect existing theme and cell content settings.
  • Amended API to facilitate project module area addition and deletion.
  • Extended number formats options to allow red negatives and hidden zeros formatting of assumption styles.
  • Amended Import Assumptions category addition to prevent merged categories losing their styling after categories addition before first category. 8-Feb-19
  • Added assumption data validation to API.
  • Amended module component move within workbook code to ensure dependent formulas are refreshed when moving between sheets.
  • Prevented Link Out dialog cell block inclusion/exclusion auto-numbering if dependent module links found.
  • Amended Excel row insert code to insert into the bottom of the above component if inserting above empty first row in component. 1-Feb-19
  • Amended control deletion to remove dependent references from precedent objects.
  • Amended API cell block deletion dependents check to exclude dependents within the deleted cell block.
  • Extended Import Assumptions tool preview mapping panel. to allow many-to-many dropping and adding categories in one action. 29-Jan-19
  • Amended control properties class for API usage inserting controls. 25-Jan-19
  • Added new installation currency code detection from regional settings.
  • Added the ability to insert check box controls via the API.
  • Added the ability to insert drop down controls via the API.
  • Added Active Cell Style tool to all styles menus to show the active cell style and formats applied.
  • Added custom currency codes support. 11-Jan-19
  • Added module component sections consolidation to API.
  • Added section merging to API.
  • Allowed cut and paste into sheet buffer rows using API.
  • Amended licensing code to detect a website failure to source licensing data from the licensing server.
  • Prevented double-loading of modular workbooks after enabling macros. 10-Jan-19
  • Amended API cell block deletion procedure to ignore dependents not displayed in Excel.
  • Added change workbook theme currency code functionality to API. 9-Jan-19
  • Updated ribbon XML versionining to more specifically reflect new Comments vs. Notes objects release build.
  • Amended comments tools to use Notes terminology in relevant versions. 8-Jan-19
  • Added merge cells to API.
  • Removed cell block deletion dependents impacts warning if dependents are not displayed in Excel.
  • Amended ribbon UI to allow for new Comments vs. Notes objects. 7-Jan-19
  • Amended required color detection in theme color palette to ensure correct.
  • Amended updates frequency to not be affected by changes made via Options dialog box.
  • Added inactive cells conditional formatting to API. 2-Jan-19
  • Amended API to detect links in and out of module components. 21-Dec-18
  • Amended audit cell content bug returning false positives when constants and formulas are located within the same area range.
  • Added manual registration option to license registration dialog.
  • Removed workbooks styles count bug from excess styles warning message. 15-Dec-2018
  • Added controls sourcing from top left cell to API.
  • Amended cell block shading clearance to allow for rows insertion or deletion.
  • Ensured that Excel status bar is cleared after importing a theme from a workbook.
  • Added year and cell link automatic validation when styles are applied.
  • Allowed toggling of category block totals via API. 8-Dec-2018
  • Amended project save procedure to cancel save if save canceled during procedure (e.g. during version commenting, etc.).
  • Extended API to handle merging of module components.
  • Amended workbook styles borders updating to capture removal of borders without excluding them from the style.
  • Added sheet period titles set title property to API sheet class.
  • Added sheet last time series column property to API sheet class.
  • Amended cell block shading clearance bug when inserting or deleting rows. 3-Dec-2018
  • Amended Shade Unique Formulas tool to display correct message when ran on modular sheet.
  • Added auto-updating of workbook options to reflect changes to sheet auto-underscoring when naming sheets.
  • Amended auto-font coloring check to prevent Search & Repair running without it switched on.
  • Amended required colors display in ribbon palette to correctly reflect modular workbook required colors not running required colors.
  • Amended auto-updating of table of contents via Project Manager Workbook Contents panel when adding sheets to reflect changes in Add Sheet dialog.
  • Cleared custom search when replacing modules to ensure all modules of genre are displayed.
  • Removed Excel replica commands from the Cell Blocks menu to prevent confusion with corresponding Excel tools.
  • Amended change module component type in API to allow more complete amendments. 30-Nov-2018
  • Amended API reset assumptions code bug.
  • Amended module component move code to update internal sheet references within formulas after moving between sheets.
  • Added warning when customizing ribbon tabs that Microsoft Excel may need to be restarted for them to take effect.
  • Amended module links and areas libraries dialogs to handle empty strings being entered into data grid views.
  • Amended module link auto-generation to exclude base name and description.
  • Correctly included or excluded sheet zoom level in Save View tool based on options. 26-Nov-2018
  • Added code to ensure freeform workbook command bars are re-enabled after de-activating a modular workbook.
  • Incorporated the Modano API in the build and publish code. 22-Nov-2018
  • Amended fill across time series formats bug.
  • Amended freeform content updating when changing the active workbook theme to detect more style overlays. 21-Nov-2018
  • Amended Traverse Formula tool tips to correctly reflect values within array ranges.
  • Amended Protect/Unprotect Sheets dialog progress message.
  • Added module component moving to Modano API.
  • Extended Modano API to handle sheet module components detection and management.
  • Amended module component move code to handle no sheet title rows. 15-Nov-2018
  • Amended bug causing row misalignment when entering data into cells under categories layout sections.
  • Prevented time series module editing message appearing multiple times for the same project during a single Excel session.
  • Amended issues registry theme application to prevent required colors resetting. 9-Nov-2018
  • Upgraded Xero API integration to reference updated Xero API code. 2-Nov-2018
  • Upgraded API code to more comprehensively facilitate management of module links and module areas.
  • Enabled commenting tools when in expired trial (Reader) mode and stopped jarring during comment addition and editing.
  • Enabled controls shortcut menu within freeform sheets within modular workbooks. 30-Oct-2018
  • First release of Modano X supporting unrestricted 30-day trials. 30-Oct-2018
  • Pre 30-day trial tagged internal release. 26-Oct-2018
  • Incorporation of 30-day trial functionalities.
  • Extending of expired 30-day trial allowances.
  • Amended Modano X theme updating to not fill across headings with numeric data to right. 22-Oct-2018
  • Amended row settings alignment to ensure correct alignment during copying and pasting.
  • Amended bug that was resulting in inactive time series sheet columns being visible after module insertion.
  • Amended Release Workbook code to ensure that Excel shortcuts are re-enabled after release.
  • Added code to ensure modules workbook change recorded after adding or editing links in or out of rows.
  • Extension of category block insertion via text entry and management of row outlining when doing this.
  • Amended sheets insertion code to allow for no specified before or after sheet.
  • Fixed time series control linked cell bug when inserting rows or columns with hooked controls.
  • Prevented insertion or deletion of categories between categories within time series-based categories groups based on period titles blocks located in period titles sets referenced by time series sheets. 17-Oct-2018
  • Amended web download files panel to only display libraries if required and widen the libraries list for wider library names. 16-Oct-2018
  • Added explicit handling of workbook chart data point tracking.
  • Amended cut warning to not be displayed after cutting module component controls.
  • Amended content access IDs dialog to appear even without any existing access types in subscription.
  • Added performance analysis code for project Excel alignment.
  • Optimized categories merged columns management during module insertion and categories addition. 10-Oct-2018
  • Amended API time series period titles borders updating to allow for missing period titles borders.
  • Amended Import Assumptions tool to display reason for preview not being available.
  • Amended theme change detection tint and shade decimal places to prevent false positives. 9-Oct-2018
  • Added checks module refreshing to all theme updating code to capture styles and color changes to theme.
  • Improved modular workbook title rows and freeform cover sheet styles updating after theme changes. 8-Oct-2018
  • Amended sheet check hyperlinks insertion to prevent insertion if less than 2 sheet title rows.
  • Amended ribbon tabs to ensure placement before the Help tab.
  • Added update warning and consent message to update tool when updating global installation.
  • Amended API to allow time series period titles border addition and refreshing. 3-Oct-2018
  • Amended multi-linked workbook time series module importation procedure to ensure period titles set freeze panes are imported.
  • Amended working directory deletion procedure after projects to ensure cleaned up even if multiple Excel instances.
  • Managed file access during preview generation.
  • Re-instated multiple sheets selection during project save procedure.
  • Amended default theme to use Black, Text 1, Lighter 25% as the default for formulas and styles.
  • Amended alternative theme files to be consistent with amended default theme.
  • Added range border coloring to API. 2-Oct-2018
  • Added workbook properties JSON file creation to API.
  • Amended content access rights refreshing to immediately capture elevated privileges.
  • Added invalid API key warning. 1-Oct-2018
  • Amended import from accounting package wait message case.
  • Fixed Dashboard Template Creator bug and cleaned up to better reflect Modano X defaults.
  • Added TLS 1.2 support to QuickBooks integration.
  • Amended project save procedure to prevent failure when multiple sheets selected. 24-Sep-2018
  • Amended Download Templates Properties dialog to go to the selected library user guide when help requested.
  • Amended assumptions import preview panel editing handling of arrow keys to reflect Excel editing behaviour.
  • Amended categories block range name insertion process to default to first column even if single column cell block and amended Excel alignment to update validation later in alignment process. 21-Sep-2018
  • Added forced garbage collection during project save XML writing to mitigate memory spike.
  • Amended Traverse Formula and Locate Links dialogs to update selection after closed to prevent protected sheets warning.
  • Amended invalid rows detection to allow module component extension via data entry into column A. 20-Sep-2018
  • Amended precedent links pane to work in Excel 2007 and Excel 2010.
  • Amended Sketch Formula Logic tool to allow for exclusion of results. 20-Sep-2018
  • Amended publish code to allow for Modano X now being the default build. 20-Sep-2018
  • Added detailed Excel version detection to diagnostics tool.
  • Amended preview generation code to correctly record pane image height and width. 18-Sep-2018
  • Allowed Modano X modules to be inserted into pre-Modano X modular workbooks without time series compatibility issues. 14-Sep-2018
  • Continued clean up of element references in anticipation of new functionality development.
  • Amended bug preventing cover and table of contents hyperlinks insertion into sheets containing module components.
  • Amended Period Titles dialog to correctly reflect workbook sheet title rows count. 12-Sep-2018
  • Amended module column blocks collection to be explicitly typed for speed.
  • Amended borders insertion to ensure correctly drawn during module insertion.
  • Amended bug in styles color index detection which was treating 56 as an invalid color index.
  • Optimized element references to utilize a single collection within each module for future elements management. 10-Sep-2018
  • Amended web download filters to display variant before sales taxes. 5-Sep-2018
  • Amended pre-Modano X styles auto-font coloring detection to correctly detected default settings.
  • Amended Import Assumptions mapping issue with assigning to None.
  • Added workbook option to allow the disabling of theme change prompt when opening dynamic templates from web.
  • Added hidden sheet alert to Categories Groups dialog category block selection.
  • Removed typo from border style submenu within Home tab. 31-Aug-2018
  • Extended version control computer and user name override to content licence.
  • Amended Import Assumptions tool to allow preview import into opening balance sheet.
  • Amended API to include time series period titles freeze panes. 30-Aug-2018
  • Added change module area procedure to API.
  • Increased maximum module area prefix length to 12 characters. 29-Aug-2018
  • Allowed control over grouping of custom styles within menus.
  • Added font and interior coloring to API. 27-Aug-2018
  • Amended freeform time series assumptions and lookups default sheet names to remove best practice suffixes if not using best practice sheet naming syntax.
  • Amended clipboard data code to handle copying from workbooks with square brackets in their names.
  • Amended theme importation to ensure cell content setting imported with styles.
  • Amended custom style application to ensure interior overlays are correctly applied with custom styles. 26-Aug-2018
  • Amended Locate Links tool bug throwing error when multiple links located in same sheet.
  • Amended first heading cell block detection for module component activation to include Heading 2 level headings.
  • Amended module component conditional formatting tool to correctly detect no fill color. 16-Aug-2018
  • Facilitated pasting absolute row reference total link in down category block rows. 16-Aug-2018
  • Fixed Locate Links tool invalid argument bug which was causing it to crash.
  • Amended pre-Modano X compatibility warning to ensure modules meta data if backwards compatibility issue found.
  • Amended theme color RGB detection when theme color is outside of displayed theme colors.
  • Amended new workbook theme application to ensure Normal style application.
  • Amended Insert Sheet dialog to select full rows.
  • Added Inter-Component Hyperlink tool to Insert tab, Link menu for access when Tools menu hidden.
  • Amended Custom Hyperlink dialog to detect module component title cell.
  • Amended project properties panel to properly display project name and description.
  • Amended web download panel to accomodate high resolution screens. 16-Aug-2018
  • Amended settings loading to prevent loading newer version settings from web account. 27-Jul-2018
  • Added explicit enablement code to ensure that shortcut menus are never left disabled by Modano after loading or unloading.
  • Updated Dynamic Templates dialog to ensure access types of non-displayed files are reflected in list. 24-Jul-2018
  • Amended Paste Special keyboard shortcut bug which was allowing Excel Paste Special command to be used within module components.
  • Amended shortcut menu enablement to prevent unexpected disablement of default Excel shortcuts. 15-Jul-2018
  • Continued refinement of circular category module links management to prevent redundant categories creation.
  • Added module selection after duplication or mirroring.
  • Amended project Excel objects alignment progress to prevent negative or excess progress reporting during linking alignment. 13-Jul-2018
  • Amended monitor DPI detection to return default after failure.
  • Optimized welcome panes and precedent links pane to only be created and refreshed when required.
  • Amended limited rows cell block shading to stop it erroneously being cleared when inserting categories.
  • Amended circular module links handling to prevent redundant categories creation during module linking with prevent multiple links out. 2-Jul-2018
  • Amended Presentation Normal menu item icon for high-resolution.
  • Amended sub-total style to ensure available on freeform sheets.
  • Amended duplicate name detection to require name to exist on workbook and sheet level to be a duplicate.
  • Excluded unreferenced range names by default in Module Content Report tool.
  • Amended precedents/dependents activation shortcut operation on modular sheets.
  • Amended Xero integration to support TLS 1.2. 15-Jun-2018
  • Amended API duplicate module command to return the first duplicated module.
  • Amended JSON chart of accounts creation to force all properties writing. 14-Jun-2018
  • Amended API duplicate module command to prevent mirroring. 14-Jun-2018
  • Amended Refresh Controls tool to set expanded view before refreshing to ensure correct placement.
  • Amended named formulas to ensure insertion with modules.
  • Amended API rows deletion to allow the deletion of elements from multiple sections. 7-Jun-2018
  • Amended Insert Module from File tool to handle closed linked workbooks.
  • Amended copy and paste to detect server-based source workbooks.
  • Amended category number tracking to handle time series-based categories groups. 4-Jun-2018
  • Amended installed font names collection function to allow for empty font names.
  • Added categories group category count change to API. 29-May-2018
  • Added clipboard management to controls and shapes copying and insertion to prevent errors when clipboard is locked. 17-May-2018
  • Continued refinement of ribbon updating to minimize selection and sheet change UI lag.
  • Included Support Helper tool for support performance analysis. 2-May-2018
  • Ensured all charts on sheets are refreshed after rows/columns inserted/deleted, etc.
  • Added Refresh Workbook Controls tool to facilitate clean up of controls.
  • Amended share workbooks commands to address being deemed legacy in Excel 2016. 17-Apr-2018
  • Amended ref edit behavior in conditional formatting dialog to prevent de-activation of active sheet.
  • Amended Add Check dialog box to prevent check summation being inserted by default if existing formula in cell.
  • Amended Import Assumptions tool to allow non-preview based importing into categories layout sections. 11-Apr-2018
  • Amended fonts in Check for Updates tool to remove unwanted bold font.
  • Amended module properties editing to ensure written to file during project save.
  • Amended charts, controls and shapes insertion during module insertion to ensure correct insertion.
  • Prevented unexpected trimming of residual shapes during placement. 10-Apr-2018
  • Amended Excel events capture to minimize window capture hook usage.
  • Optimized module deletion when when entire sheets deleted with module components.
  • Optimized module insertion to prevent repeated Excel alignment attempts.
  • Amended time series conflicts identifier to take into account dependent modules in surrounding project or module.
  • Amended right-click detection to ensure ply menu is displayed in modular workbooks.
  • Amended new workbook insertion process to use the open workbook if determined to be empty.
  • Amended range clearance based on last cell to prevent inadvertently setting font and fill color.
  • Amended configure tool Office bitness test to prevent instability during opening and closing Excel.
  • Amended View Formula Logic evaluation to properly detect boolean return values. 19-Mar-2018
  • Amended workbook window activation to prevent issues when mouse-clicking between SDI windows.
  • Added adjusted module prefix determination from range to API. 16-Mar-2018
  • Amended Excel 2016 Data tab ribbon code to reflect changes to Connections group.
  • Prevented double addition of new workbooks during base workbook insertion procedure.
  • Amended workbook activation capture to prevent events triggering during formula editing. 6-Mar-2018
  • Amended Traverse Formula evaluation code to prevent overflow on large numbers. 5-Mar-2018
  • Fixed module suite tree view selection bug when scrolling.
  • Amended auto-font coloring of import and export lookups component range name headings and captions. 20-Feb-2018
  • Amended styles panel label in Options dialog to fix left alignment issue.
  • Replaced Show Ink toggle button in Review tab with disabled button for modular sheets to address ribbon loading issues. 15-Feb-2018
  • Amended redundant categories clearance after module deletion to prevent impacting module link relationships.
  • Amended rows around selection cell block shading to select only the selected category within categories layout sections.
  • Amended linked workbook relative file path determination to prevent load failure if linked workbook files are missing. 8-Feb-2018
  • Amended selection updating to prevent ribbon updating during formula editing.
  • Amended Locate Links tool to ensure external workbook names and table references are located. 1-Feb-2018
  • Amended button insertion code to handle nuances in Excel 2016. 27-Jan-2018
  • Amended selection optimization to prevent loss of events capture when opening files.
  • Amended update dialog font formatting. 25-Jan-2018
  • Amended controls insertion to allow moving, sizing and hiding with cells.
  • Amended limited cell block shading bug to allow for single row module components.
  • Optimized selection speed to speed up moving around worksheets and changing sheets. 15-Dec-2017
  • Amended Decimal menu behaviour to allow for workbook currency being different to settings.
  • Fixed older version project opening bug in module properties reading. 8-Dec-2017
  • Amended options dialog box styles customization code to capture selected style properties.
  • Amended drawing objects function to prevent throwing.
  • Amended freeform font and fill required color application flowing from ignoring cell coloring changes. 6-Dec-2017
  • Amended bug in module properties updating after editing.
  • Amended projects opening bug locking file type to module from file.
  • Amended drawing objects function to prevent issues with new chart types. 1-Dec-2017
  • Amended sheet tab color bug.
  • Amended comment dialog painting on high resolution screens. 30-Nov-2017
  • Amended Add/Edit Module Links dialog for high resolution screens.
  • Added Rows Around Selection as an optimized cell block shading default for large module components.
  • Amended focus change and volatility from filling right cell blocks with dependent hyperlinks.
  • Fixed Excel 2007/10 charts bug causing charts to vanish when updated until file save and reopen. 15-Nov-2017
  • Amended named formulas to allow addition to empty rows and proper mirroring.
  • Amended control list fill range categories automation to correctly detect inclusion of lookup table heading row.
  • Amended categories range name deletion after categories deletion to prevent redundant names remaining.
  • Amended copy and paste to allow for copied workbook being opened from a server or website. 8-Nov-2017
  • Addition of extended project protection allowances to provide more control over protected workbook use.
  • Allowed naming of merged row ranges.
  • Amended handling of identical time series period title sets to prevent loss of time series period titles during module insertion.
  • Amended word wrap tool tips to handle high resolution screens.
  • Amended column block auto-inclusion during module links addition to detect empty cell blocks but for link in formulas.
  • Automation of sequential link block numbering when including and ordered cell blocks.
  • Allowed recent colors to be accessed and added within the Format Cells dialog box.
  • Amended module component copy/cut/paste detection and storage to prevent copied data loss when pasting from non-module components. 23-Oct-2017
  • Amended progress meter message within issues register insertion dialog.
  • Added installer type to procedure logs.
  • Reinstated normal Excel Fill Right behavior in assumptions cell blocks.
  • Added Fill Down within assumptions cell blocks.
  • Allowed sorting of lookup table labels within module components.
  • Facilitated module deletion via API.
  • Allowed for workbook password protection when opening files.
  • Added ability to duplicate period titles sets.
  • Amended font coloring bug when entering assumptions into cell blocks with set font color.
  • Enhanced invalid chart series formula description and resolution steps in Module Content Report tool.
  • Added recent colors storage to modular workbooks as per Excel.
  • Added workaround to address strange nuance with hyperlink insertion impacting sheet title styles.
  • Included single cell paste special formats. 19-Sept-2017
  • Simplification of get time series data dialog when creating a new standardized time series workbook.
  • Removal of sub-section cover sheets from default base workbook sheets.
  • Simplification of add checks dialog to hide custom comment fields unless user chooses to display.
  • Reduced import theme font size from 11pt to 9pt. 18-Sept-2017
  • Inclusion of issues tracking tools.
  • Amended Normal style application to apply correct style.
  • Incorporated standardization and review exams.
  • Amended example models search progress message.
  • Amended row grouping and ungrouping to prevent invalid group levels.
  • Amended hidden sheets deletion deleting visible sheets in project manager.
  • Amended invalid cell content search to always detect invalid cell content even when other errors found. 10-Sep-2017
  • Amended redundant categories clearance routine post module deletion to prevent partial module linking.
  • Allowed the saving of more than 3 content libraries in settings.
  • Amended new blank workbook keyboard shortcut to prevent conflicts.
  • Amended link in formula redirection to another precedent module row. 24-Aug-2017
  • Amended application mode storage in background settings to ensure settings consistency.
  • Prevented welcome panes from being erroneously re-displayed.
  • Split out blank and freeform standardized workbook creation within Advanced menu and Tools tab Base Sheets menu.
  • Amended New Standardized Time Series Workbook tool to correctly detect initial time series assumptions. 12-Aug-2017
  • Amended welcome dialogs to display new website messages.
  • Added mode change button to Traverse Formula dialog. 10-Aug-2017
  • Addition of Standardize & Review vs. Automate modes for different users.
  • Segregation of base workbook insertion procedure into blank vs. time series procedures and addition of background thread-based progress dialog.
  • Amendment of Hide Font tool to work on freeform ranges.
  • Updated pre-built theme font colors to reflect Excel 2016.
  • Development of welcome pane for Standardize & Review mode including example standardized model.
  • Improved category block spin off check to allow spin off even with precedent category and subtotal absolute row references.
  • Implemented CBT hook to capture activation of Excel windows from external applications.
  • Amended chart watch to ensure source data drag and drop capability is maintained after sheet is reprotected during deactivation.
  • Amended release workbook unavailable dialog to link to website features page.
  • Amended regional settings warning to specifically state supported regions. 13-Jul-2017
  • Included required application and Excel versions in every file type in anticipation of upcoming upgrade functionalities.
  • Facilitation of transposing when pasting into assumptions cell blocks.
  • Amendment of hyperlink insertion bugs in freeform cover and contents sheet insertion procedures.
  • Amendment of API to read required application and Excel versions.
  • Amended font preview in Options dialog box to reflect the applied font of the selected style. 27-Jun-2017
  • Allowed module components to be moved from blank to time series sheets.
  • Allowed time series-based module components to be moved between assumptions and outputs.
  • Allowed blank module components to be moved between assumptions and outputs.
  • Allowed presentation module components to be moved onto non-presentation sheet and vice versa.
  • Made sheet naming suffixes optional when renaming sheets.
  • Amended module composition diagram to prevent it showing all module component types always.
  • Prevented copying and pasting of values in all categories when pasting into a categories layout assumptions cell block.
  • Amended API move assumptions validation code. 21-Jun-2017
  • Amended full row copy and paste code to prevent misalignment due to Excel 2016 change of behaviour. 15-Jun-2017
  • Amended Tools tab font size 8 ribbon menu item label.
  • Amended charts and residual shapes enumeration type issue which was preventing duplicating modules with charts. 9-Jun-2017
  • Amended Check Connectivity ribbon icon to be unique.
  • Allowed secure preview and properties viewing for private content library files from within Excel.
  • Amended category auto-linking to allow for multiple precedent modules into the same dependent module categories group related categories.
  • Amended the tint and shade font and interior color application code.
  • Improved custom color dialog by using Excel in-built edit color dialog.
  • Amended new account creation code to properly communicate failure reason.
  • Amended check connectivity tool to run without first forcing the system to start or do licensing check.
  • Amended shapes and charts placement validity check to ignore hidden time series period titles rows.
  • Made the period titles shortening or extending consent dialog box optional. 29-May-2017
  • Amended mirror module copy and paste row settings alignment.
  • Amended Clear Contents to prevent clearing assumptions in corresponding mirrored module cell blocks.
  • Amended Clear Formats to insert the top left assumption into the selected assumptions cell blocks.
  • Inclusion of web download files previewing and properties viewing directly within Excel.
  • Added Open without Modano tool for use of modular workbooks when editing only assumptions and freeform content.
  • Optimization of precedents and dependents collections to reduce memory footprint.
  • Amended empty precedent cell block removal with deletion of dependent cell block.
  • Amended Import Assumptions tool many-to-many drag drop display to show multiple row target.
  • Removal of schematics sheet gridlines when duplicating, mirroring and exporting modules to file.
  • Amended Search & Repair tool issue with adjacent merge rows and columns.
  • Added Check Connectivity tool to help diagnose internet connectivity issues.
  • Amended practical exams marking to be less strict on categories group names.
  • Amended the Move Assumptions tool to still validate when multiple precedent modules link into a single dependent module category block. 19-May-2017
  • Added keyboard shortcuts to optional message box.
  • Edited web download files to allow for example models property.
  • Extended Community Edition check to allow for different approaches.
  • Changed all progress bars to Modano orange.
  • Cleaned up handling of trimmed to zero cell blocks and dependents.
  • Added non-displayed cell blocks to module content report tool.
  • Clean up of clipboard data sourcing and addition of comprehensive error logging.
  • Amended module link selection via double click in Project Manager.
  • Amendment of cut/paste row insertion bug adding rows to end of component. 9-May-2017
  • Amended bug in capture print settings to properly capture print area and scaling. 8-May-2017
  • Amended bug in Locate Links tool when searching all modules.
  • Addition of Move Assumptions tool. 2-May-2017
  • Traverse formula buttons display adjustment in different modes.
  • Finalization for traverse formula mode functionality.
  • Default theme changed to Excel default. 30-Apr-2017
  • Welcome pane finalization.
  • Removal of split buttons from Modano tab to more clearly provide options.
  • Amended mirrored module charting alignment bug.
  • Amended mirrored module deletion issue. 25-Apr-2017
  • Removed apply prompt after changing settings with an empty workbook open.
  • Optimized border overlays to create only when required.
  • Amended bug when inserting multiple rows between merged rows.
  • Removed module component row references to reduce memory footprint.
  • Added welcome custom task pane. 10-Apr-2017
  • Amended welcome dialog theme display.
  • Amended themes to ensure all based on heading and body fonts.
  • Optimized style overlays to reduce memory used.
  • Amended charts and other shapes placement to allow for first and last categories, etc.
  • Facilitated importing of settings file from web.
  • Optimized elements to only create categories and subtotals if non-total elements. 23-Mar-2017
  • Amended revoer files tool icons to show Excel workbooks instead of projects.
  • Prevention of Delete key deletion of cell blocks containing conditional formatting unless empty first.
  • Amended module content report to not detect active cell in-cell data validation as an invalid control.
  • Amended custom validation dialog to ensure focus on settings tab if invalid settings detected.
  • Amended Save As dialog Excel window focus loss issue.
  • Ensured theme colors detected when inserting module into a converted empty Excel workbook.
  • Added two new themes.
  • Prevented Excel add-in uninstall during web session.
  • Ensured detection of active workbook theme when using the change theme tool.
  • Amendment of categories into total links auto-management during module linking.
  • Addition of company to new user registration dialog.
  • Amendment of assumptions pasting with mirrored modules, ensuring default assumption and values pasted in all mirrored module
  • Added option to delete modules process to not clear redundant categories after module deletion.
  • Addition of traverse formula mode welcome and exit dialogs.
  • Inclusion of procedure logging for improved debugging.
  • Amendment of link in formula conversion to non-link in formula via worksheet formula entry.
  • Allowed importation of active workbook colors when changing theme.
  • Added detection of corrupt Windows update KB3178690. 20-Jan-2017
  • Review and clean up of web session initialization code.
  • Amended module renaming bug with other workbooks in project not recording changes.
  • Prevented editing modules and module areas via the Project Manager if closed linked workbooks.
  • Reviewed and segregated web session keyboard capture. 17-Jan-2017
  • Removed exam marking testing code. 17-Jan-2017
  • Excluded unreferenced range names from file verification process.
  • Added find and replace tool for use within sheets containing module components.
  • Prevented line breaks being copied into the link in formula panel.
  • Added mirror modules capability to Modano API.
  • Added rename sheet capability to Modano API.
  • Added module adjusted prefix to Modano API. 9-Jan-2017
  • Amended active sheet type detection during module component insertion to detect presentation and schematics sheets.
  • Amended assessment exercise marking to still find module even if prefix incorrect.
  • Amended Z-order of charts inserted during module insertion to always be behind other shapes.
  • Amended unused rows detection to pick up controls being the lowest object on a sheet.
  • Amended column spans Xml reading to properly detect custom time series sheet column widths.
  • Added warning to the Module Content Report dialog when linked workbooks are closed.
  • Updated online web session ID to be based on the client name. 4-Jan-2017
  • Removed row insertion optimization when moving module component rows (during subtotal insertion, merging, etc.).
  • Commenced work on web session facilitation.
  • Addition of keyboard-based auto-scrolling to webdownload panel.
  • Amendment of exam assessment code to prevent null object exception when range not found.
  • Enabled websession saving of initial file (WIP). 20-Dec-2016
  • Prevented time series sheet selection change when removing OnAction during save.
  • Amended file verification process to ensure that invalid Excel workbooks are closed after verification.
  • Removed formula updating formula removal during project alignment if columns to be deleted.
  • Optimized row insertion during Excel alignment to always insert multiple-row spans together.
  • Amendment of row optimization bug in non-normal projects.
  • Amended formula creation processing to prevent redundant generic links in being added to rows. 6-Dec-2016
  • Amended license upgrade process to always allow subscription selection, project lock refreshing and ribbon updating.
  • Allowed single total to be auto-linked into multiple related categories in the same categories group.
  • Extended Locate Module Links dialog to load with the selected link in or out in Excel also selected in the dialog.
  • Optimisation of row span deletion during project alignment to still optimize even when sheets are being deleted. 1-Dec-2016
  • Amended capture print settings tool to update locate on dedicated sheet.
  • Amended link in via formula escape sequence to not leave auto-generated link in.
  • Extended the external module range name reference formula error message to refer to link in formulas.
  • Amended API to allow for project module links amending by name. 29-Nov-2016
  • Amended font name overlay bug.
  • Allowed zero as default assumption and d-mmm-yy date entry format.
  • Prevented removal of custom data validation when applying assumptions styles.
  • Amended cell link default assumption detection to only check if list fill range. 25-Nov-2016
  • Amended in-built hyperlinks to allow insertion in sheet title rows.
  • Amended licensing process to more clearly indicate registration issues and multiple subscriptions. 18-Nov-2016
  • Amendment of import assumptions null exception error.
  • Prevented empty cell block with range name deletion via Delete key press.
  • Amended practical exams to allow for valid breadcrumps insertion. 15-Nov-2016
  • Minor clean up of undo code while reviewing.
  • Added new workaround to ensure removal of Office Access Keys when captured by Modano.
  • Commenced clean up of settings group code to facilitate encoded logos.
  • Fixed out of range bug in partially linked categories group clean up code.
  • Amended keyboard shortcut capture to prevent Alt+Tab non-capture on modular sheets. 10-Nov-2016
  • Amended assumptions entry undo to allow for font color refreshing.
  • Amendment of exam marking to allow to submission of invalid attempt answer file. 8-Nov-2016
  • Amended website upload file verification to detect formulas in assumptions in module files.
  • Amended multiple-cell assumptions entry undo to properly re-instate difference values in cells. 18-Oct-2016
  • Amended exams assessment to allow for multiple marks per marking item.
  • Amended presentation hyperlink styles in non-default themes to have non-bold font. 17-Oct-2016
  • Added certification practical exam assessment. 14-Oct-2016
  • Amended search and repair tool formula error detection to ignore NA function usage.
  • Amended web download files panel to prevent out of range exception from mouse over.
  • Amended Alt+F key issue corrupting keyboard shortcut detection.
  • Allowed direct importation of content libraries credentials from website.
  • Relaxed import assumptions tool to allow presentation number styles.
  • Amended webview workbook preview generation to allow for shapes extending outside of worksheet used range. 05-Oct-2016
  • Amended creation modules learning exercise to relax properties and versioning assessment.
  • Amended file download system to allow for duplicate local file names.
  • Updating of dashboard examples tool to open dashboard files from web instead.
  • Removal of old dashboard examples files from project and installer.
  • Amended new custom modular workbook dialog behaviour with SDI and untouched default workbook open.
  • Removed ability to open, close and save projects via the Module Suite dialog due to SDI issues.
  • Added Excel Default Assumptions theme.
  • Updated shortcut menu images for Excel 2013+ flat icons.
  • Allowed removal of categories total rows along with other rows when deleting rows.
  • Amended text assumptions style to remove numerical data validation. 22-Sep-2016
  • Amended cell block shading to shade only the selected cell block if Selected Cell Block option chosen.
  • Addition of assumptions formula and WIP removal tool to Debug menu.
  • Amended assumptions mapping file panel label placement.
  • Inclusion of budget variance analysis assessment content. 19-Sep-2016
  • Amended Excel Fundamentals exam marking to allow for hyperlinks being entered using Modano.
  • Ensured module file type selected when replacing a module from web.
  • Updated Replace Module dialog button text to reflect replacing not inserting. 14-Sep-2016
  • Prevented double consent warning when applying styles to time series component.
  • Added forced writing of module file meta data during save.
  • Allowed deletion of module areas and modules via the Project Explorer within the Project Manager.
  • Finalization of exams marking code.
  • Amended debug menu labels in ribbon.
  • Addition of one time only link to dashboard after Welcome dialog is displayed. 12-Sep-2016
  • Removed auto-alignment of module name with Excel workbook file name during module file save procedure.
  • Modified tab key behavior in version monitor and RGB controls to select text when moving between controls.
  • Updated exams management code. 05-Sep-2016
  • Aligned time series module insertion displayed file types in web download panel.
  • Amended download dialog text for specific file types to reference the file type.
  • Amended ToC update during Excel alignment to not change active sheet selection.
  • Amended Merge & Center shortcut key in Home tab.
  • Enabled Download button on Add Module Link In/Outs dialog at all times.
  • Optimization of module areas and links library data grid view loading code.
  • Amended unwindable selection class to prevent hiding of all columns on module component sheets. 31-Aug-2016
  • Enabled module components menu at all times when a modular workbook is open.
  • Improved insert sheet and module component procedures to continue even if invalid environment.
  • Facilitated module area addition during empty module insertion.
  • Amended new custom modular workbook wizard next button disablement issue when downloading from web.
  • Improved insert module process to reload insert empty module dialog after time series module insertion.
  • Amended Modano file upload Json creation process to detect modular workbook properties.
  • Amended community file size exceeded dialog text to reference students and not-for-profits.
  • Added extra asterisk to Modano tab for Module files and exclamation mark for locked community files.
  • Amended change theme procedure to not get consent to adding colors and styles prior to dialog loading.
  • Converted New button on Modano to a menu to remove focus on New Financial Model Wizard.
  • Amended new cell block auto-styling for headings to properly detect prior or latter heading cell block styles.
  • Amended Recover Files dialog to ensure correct date modified column display.
  • Included auto-addition and removal of Any Number data validation with style application. 22-Aug-2016
  • Prevented assumptions cell blocks being trimmed after delete key press unless all right edge selected.
  • Included explicit content search within file verification process.
  • Amended high DPI issue with web download panel top button.
  • Improved wed download file panel search functionality to reset filters on new search.
  • Added content libraries access, upload and settings to the System group in the Modano tab.
  • Added links to four website resources sections to the Help menu.
  • Restoration of modeless dialogs for auditing purposes.
  • Addition of validity and error messages properties to webview workbooks.
  • Updated welcome dialog to reflect new brand and collaborative sharing capabilities.
  • Amended licensing to allow multiple demos and collect account credentials during upgrade.
  • Amended EULA to reference Community Edition usage. 15-Aug-2016
  • Removal of blank sheets from empty modules and workbooks on creation.
  • Enhancement of empty time series sheet editing to prompt earlier for module component addition.
  • Entry of dynamic text-based data into non-total row cell blocks default assumptions when assumptions styles applied.
  • Added web download file properties file creation tool for debug use only.
  • Amended mirror and duplicate module code to position components after source components.
  • Added ToC hyperlink RGB to web view workbook class.
  • Facilitation of multiple custom content libraries specification. 29-Jul-2016
  • Handling of multiple workbook selection maintence.
  • Amendment of shapes and chart objects allocation to module components to ensure unique.
  • Prevention of hidden names being displayed in the Paste Name dialog when editing formulas. 15-Jul-2016
  • Creation of Community Edition to replace trials.
  • Extension of freeform formula capabilities to allow for external workbook references and reliable updating.
  • Amended bug preventing project meta data being updated adter resetting assumptions or editing module components.
  • Amended ribbon bug in GroupInsertIllustrations.
  • Added Activate Toc shortcut.
  • Added prompt to consent to large normal font size.
  • Extended precedent links pane to allow for up to 10,000 precedent links out./li> 05-Jul-2016
  • Amended Duplicate Module ribbon images so that they are not identical to the Replace Module ribbon images.
  • Facilitated entry of freeform formulas into cell blocks.
  • Included paste links dialog box to facilitate management of links pasting when copying and pasting ranges.
  • Enabled resetting of assumptions in mirrored modules when using the Reset Assumptions tool. 24-Jun-2016
  • Amended categories chart processing issue when source data is on a different sheet.
  • Prevention of formula entry with period titles references on sheets without module components from within the formula module.
  • Prevented mouse and keyboard events capture while in ref edit mode.
  • Amended auto-font coloring of assumptions cell after multiple selected cell block assumptions value or formula entry.
  • Amendment of links consolidation bug causing duplicate links.
  • Prevented default assumptions entry from resetting mirrored module cell block values.
  • Extended API to get webview workbook from the active workbook.
  • Simplified selection capture class to be more efficient.
  • Amended Traverse Formula tool issues with SDI when external workbook precedents.
  • Added 7Zip ultra compression.
  • Amended auditing locate errors tool to not throw an exception when timelines are in the workbook. 16-Jun-2016
  • Fix copy/cut/paste from non-categories layout sections to categories layout sections.
  • Fix copy/cut insert bugs when within categories layout sections.
  • Amended comments loading from file so that category-based comments are loaded correctly.
  • Fix issue with Save View when workbook includes chart sheet.
  • Prevention of target cell value change non-detection due to Page Up/Down key press.
  • Amendment of links creation via formula entry to properly handle mirrored modules.
  • Amended Import Assumptions tool to detect link in headings with no value or formula within their underlying cell blocks.
  • Various smaller bug fixes. 31-May-2016
  • Real-time detection and attempted repair of Excel rows mis-alignment.
  • Prevention of links insertion by formula into rows containing merged-row cell blocks.
  • Amendment of time series sheet dependent formulas updating when extending time series sheets with latter period titles blocks.
  • Automatically create trial software subscriptions for existing users when required.
  • Ensure project manager picks up customized sheet titles for modular sheets.
  • Memory usage optimisation.
  • Various smaller bug fixes. 23-May-2016
  • Optimize keyboard and mouse processing during selection change.
  • Fixed Trace All Dependencts/Precedents tool for non-modular workbooks.
  • Warn user about out of memory exceptions.
  • Memory usage optimisation.
  • Various smaller bug fixes. 9-May-2016
  • Allowed multiple files to be opened from web.
  • Fix incorrect protected workbook message caused by alt keypresses.
  • Added support for all Office Access Keys. 2-May-2016
  • Fixed incorrect application of left cell borders.
  • Document cleanup and shutdown optimisation.
  • Memory usage optimisation. 28-Apr-2016
  • Amendment of mirrored module link in formula alignment for default link in formulas.
  • Amended single category block range precedent reference to ensure first to last category.
  • Amended time series sheet inactive columns rehiding code to prevent random hiding of columns.
  • Amended freeze panes code to ensure settings persist after a modular workbook is reopened.
  • Ensured selected categories group and category block is selected in Categories Groups dialog box on first load.
  • Prevention of misaligned module component row insertion using interrupted Office access keys.
  • Memory usage optimisation. 22-Apr-2016
  • Addition of Update TOC command bar control to standard Excel Ply popup menu.
  • Added module links tool as first item within the module links split menu.
  • Amended module component insertion procedure to ensure module components inserted into empty existing non-freeform sheets if found.
  • Fix crash when using Data Validation list dropdown with keyboard shortcuts.
  • Removed modular workbook type property from the properties panel and editing dialog unless legacy freeform modular workbook.
  • Amendment of project type name references within dialogs and message boxes to only reference projects when multiple workbooks.
  • Enablement of module suite and module areas management tools within ribbon even without a modular workbook open.
  • Fix bug that prevented repaired files in multi-workbook projects from being saved.
  • Fixed repeat paste special to not require dialog.
  • Performance improvements. 14-Apr-2016
  • Amendment of categories layout link in formula entry values entry span bug.
  • Amendment of categories layout link in formula conversion to non-link formula alignment of other categories. 13-Apr-2016
  • Optimize category insertion when controls are included.
  • Amendment of auto-linking code with multiple total links out linking into categories.
  • Amended assumptions import tool to correctly pick up non-category assumptions headings.
  • Various performance and memory optimizations.
  • Adjust terminology to refer to Modular Workbooks.
  • Amended insert module dialog box to prevent accidental multiple insertion.
  • Amended insert module dialog box to ensure progress is displayed when inserting modules.
  • Amendment of categories layout link in formula entry values entry span bug.
  • Amendment of categories layout link in formula conversion to non-link formula alignment of other categories. 6-Apr-2016
  • Amendment of lookup tables within categories groups with subtotals to prevent inconsistent rows during file reopening.
  • Removal of Traverse Formula target mode shortcut in Excel 2013+ due to SDI.
  • Amendment of redundant categories clearing code to prevent deletion of categories within non-categories linked in.
  • Various smaller bug fixes. 4-Apr-2016
  • Warn users about licensing expiry even when not connected to the internet.
  • Updating of themes and default styles settings to be based on Calibri 11 as per Excel defaults.
  • Various smaller bug fixes. 24-Mar-2016
  • Amended project Save As command to ensure xml is written when converting file type.
  • Enhanced API copy/cut and paste to avoid clipboard usage.
  • Amended time series periods linked cell optimization to correctly retain specified linked cell or range name.
  • Ensured mirroring of control OnAction property across standard mirrored modules. 22-Mar-2016
  • Amended time series period titles link cell auto-alignment code.
  • Extended API to include basic cut/copy and paste. 17-Mar-2016
  • Fix multiple workbook bug where modules can get out of sync with parent workbook.
  • Log submission now happens silently when enabled.
  • HiDPI fix for functionalities panel within new project wizard.
  • Various smaller bug fixes. 15-Mar-2016
  • Fix bug in Project save which caused some errors to not be reported.
  • Continue with save after fixing inconsistent period titles.
  • Fix error in log submission.
  • Various smaller bug fixes. 9-Mar-2016
  • Fix broken Json dependency for Diagnostics tool.
  • Extension of API to include advanced version monitoring management.
  • Inclusion of Excel sheets alignment validation for module files.
  • Amendment of module insertion empty base workbook detection to prevent existing content deletion.
  • Amendment of link block number mirrored module inconsistencies. 1-Mar-2016
  • Extension of theme application to freeform cover and contents sheets and charts.
  • Removal of redundant meta data sheets on save. 26-Feb-2016
  • Optimization of ribbon validation code.
  • Reinstatement of Insert Rows Below tool for categories layout sections. 25-Feb-2016
  • Fix crash that occurs during chart gallery preview.
  • Amend various incorrect help instructions.
  • Fixed occasional failure when building model requests. 19-Feb-2016
  • Amendment of memory overflow bug with all cells selected on module component sheet.
  • Fixed data tables missing label in ribbon.
  • Explicitly captured Excel 2003 Tools, Macro menu keyboard shortcuts to prevent sheet unprotection.
  • Amended multiple time series sheet freeze panes alignment bug.
  • Corrected restore sheets bug preventing sheets from being rehidden after unhiding during alignment.
  • Fix bug in Manual Registration which caused licence file not found error in some cases. 12-Feb-2016
  • Amendment of subtotal font coloring bug.
  • Removal of released Excel workbook residual meta data and redundant range name.
  • Amendment of unhide sheets list disappearing bug.
  • Amendment of insert controls dialog range names list scroll bar disabled issue.
  • Addition of warning when naming lookup table range with single lookup table.
  • Fix hang when using some keyboard shortcuts. 10-Feb-2016
  • Addition of confirmation to ignore import to Options dialog box.
  • Fixed Format Cells dialog box for module components.
  • Amendment of screen tips for example models.
  • Facilitation of high DPI in plugins. 8-Feb-2016
  • Fixed import assumptions default periods detection bug.
  • Fixed module file saving workbook renaming misalignment issue.
  • Prevention of keyboard capture when shortcut menu loading from keyboard entry.
  • Allow for undo on freeform sheets.
  • Fix bug in undo for assumption cells.
  • Various smaller bug fixes. 1-Feb-2016
  • Migrate to per-user licensing in all cases.
  • Various smaller bug fixes.
  • Addition of replace module link functionality.
  • Advancement of generic link clean up and consolidation code. 28-Jan-2016
  • HiDPI fixes.
  • Performance optimisations for CellDragAndDrop.
  • Warn about unsupported chart types.
  • Various smaller bug fixes. 20-Jan-2016
  • First Modano version 8 release.
  • New module linking mechanism.
  • New financial model wizard.
  • Fixed white-out and rendering issues with Excel 2013.
  • Support for Excel 2016.
  • New file format which allows for significantly faster load/save.
  • Cleanup of Manage Linked Workbooks tool.
  • Ribbon auto-scaling support.
  • New Ribbon UI.
  • Various UI dialog simplifications.
  • Rename modules workbook tool for multiple workbook projects.
  • Further HiDPI support.
  • Replace Module tool.
  • Improved Xero authentication.
  • Signup for trial accounts from software directly.
  • Various other minor fixes and improvements. 18-Nov-2015
  • Fix crash when inserting time series sheets.
  • Support for Microsoft Excel 2016. 18-Sep-2015
  • Amendment of precedent module redundant categories clearance bug during module deletion. 31-Aug-2015
  • Amendment of module linking bug during module insertion. 25-Aug-2015
  • Simplification of module links creation via formula entry.
  • Removed splash screen.
  • Other minor bug fixes. 5-Aug-2015
  • Version history feature renamed to Version Log.
  • Various undo bug fixes.
  • Diagnostics now detects multiple SKU installation.
  • Various bug fixes for Assumptions Import tool.
  • Performance enhancements for Excel 2013 project load.
  • Other minor bug fixes. 27-Jul-2015
  • Validate downloaded content is downloaded correctly before proceeding.
  • Performance enhancements for project loading and closing.
  • Other minor bug fixes. 21-Jul-2015
  • Numerous performance enhancements for project open and close.
  • Other minor bug fixes. 23-Jun-2015
  • Undo support (limited).
  • Simplified Modules ribbon tab.
  • Automated component addition.
  • Workbook auto-recovery functionality added.
  • Internet connection test performance optimisation.
  • Reduced timeout for web calls to 15 seconds.
  • Cleaned up assembly properties.
  • Performance optimisations.
  • Fix workbook export bug before complete addin load.
  • Other minor bug fixes. 28-May-2015
  • Performance improvements.
  • Other minor bug fixes. 18-May-2015
  • New Standard installer (WIX).
  • New Global installer.
  • Precedent Links Pane default visibility set to Hide.
  • HiDPI fixes for Windows 8.1 per-monitor DPI.
  • Amended welcome dialog box.
  • Import Assumptions mapping improvements.
  • Other minor bug fixes. 22-Apr-2015
  • Disable file signing during save by default.
  • Load and Save performance optimisations.
  • Simplify New Project wizard time-series assumptions.
  • Allow for custom work-directory specification.
  • Detect missing VBA dependency.
  • Allow for Xero imports to handle grouped accounts.
  • Other minor bug fixes. 8-Apr-2015
  • More robust software registration.
  • Chart of accounts preview in new project wizard.
  • Other minor bug fixes. 19-Mar-2015
  • Quickbooks Online data import.
  • Further support for account based registration.
  • Added Refresh Licence functionality.
  • Other minor bug fixes. 6-Mar-2015
  • Data Import tool fixes.
  • Fix for exporting workbooks from BPP format.
  • Fix for loading of BPP files from Windows Explorer without Excel running.
  • Other minor bug fixes. 4-Feb-2015
  • Module links activation from within Project Manager.
  • Additional logging around command invocation and assumptions import.
  • HiDPI display fixes for Functionalities pages.
  • Improved ToolTip timing.
  • Fix LoadFromUI setting in Configure.
  • Fix for Multi Watch Window honouring Live Update setting in all cases.
  • Other minor bug fixes. 21-Jan-2014
  • Added Shade Unique Formulas tool.
  • Fixed issue with customized client logos being lost after upgrade.
  • Fix for partial linking issue with multiple total links out.
  • Prevention of invalid category block headings insertion.
  • Other minor bug fixes. 12-Jan-2015
  • New Project Wizard Dialog interface.
  • Conditional inclusion of dependent modules in module suites.
  • Other minor bug fixes. 24-Dec-2014
  • Module Suites can now handle conditional Module inclusion.
  • Simplify interface for Configure tool.
  • Enhance Configure tool to handle authenticated web proxies. 17-Dec-2014
  • Log times recorded as UTC.
  • Make Update tool aware of authenticated web proxies.
  • Other minor bug fixes. 15-Dec-2014
  • Use Native Excel Save As dialog for Excel file formats.
  • Fix bug with Module deletion when module is in current selection. 11-Dec-2014
  • Support for Worksite 8.5 CMS.
  • Sharepoint support.
  • Improve ribbon tab selection to use native 2010 API.
  • Other minor bug fixes. 02-Dec-2014
  • Allow for modules download folder customization.
  • HiDPI fixes.
  • Handle data rate limits during Xero data imports.
  • Implement dynamic API interface.
  • Allow for manual registration in some scenarios.
  • Fix numerous waitcursor issues.
  • Startup improvements.
  • Other minor bug fixes. 17-Nov-2014
  • Lite support removed.
  • New project wizard introduced.
  • New welcome dialog, with Xero data import capability.
  • Registration via web account.
  • .NET 4.0 CLR preferred.
  • New CLR loading Shim.
  • Update machine fingerprinting mechanism for VMs.
  • Add simplified User ribbon mode, along with 'Mode' toggle switch.
  • Improved support for 64bit Excel.
  • Other minor bug fixes. 8-Sep-2014
  • Improvements to handle authenticated web proxies.
  • Assumptions Import improvements.
  • Improvements to software installation and component registration.
  • Other minor bug fixes. 22-Jul-2014
  • Code signed components.
  • HiDPI support.
  • Registration improvements.
  • Other minor bug fixes. 2-Jul-2014
  • Licence registration improvements.
  • Other minor bug fixes. 25-Jun-2014
  • Migration to user based licence storage, rather than machine based.
  • User based data storage.
  • Trace logging enabled.
  • Other minor bug fixes. 17-Jun-2014
  • Improvements to custom corporate installers.
  • Unregister reliably during application uninstall.
  • Register improvements during installation and configuration. 16-Jun-2014
  • Automatic update process implemented.
  • Admin rights no longer required for execution on Windows 7 and newer.
  • MSI installer improvements. 02-Feb-2014
  • Facilitation of standard Excel file formats (e.g. *.xlsx, *.xlsm, *.xlsb) when creating Projects.
  • Category addition/removal optimization. 11-Nov-2013
  • Minor amendments to new project files loading and saving. 14-Oct-2013
  • First release of the spreadsheet content management system.
  • Minor amendments to Toolbox tools to work on modules workbooks. 15-Jul-2010
  • Refinement of Options dialog box to include all settings in single location.
  • Removal of native DLL Modules component. 12-Apr-2008
  • Inclusion of first generation of Modules alongside Toolbox with .NET components.
  • Final release including first generation of Modules. 04-Jun-2006
  • Use of .NET managed COM components for Toolbox dialog boxes.
  • Toolbox-only release. 27-Jan-2005
  • Performance improvements to module insertion process.
  • Use of InstallShield installer. 17-Oct-2004
  • First generation of Toolbox and Modules using native DLLs only.
  • Setup Factory installation.