Windows Defender ATP prevents Modano from running

Windows DefenderATP
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Michael Hutchens A+ 190
Windows Defender ATP prevents Modano from running

Hi Guys,

Issue Summary

A number of our users have reported that Modano stopped working recently (i.e. late October 2021) after updating Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection (ATP), with the following Excel Add-In Error dialog being displayed:


Windows Defender APT has a feature called Attack Surface Reduction (see Use attack surface reduction rules to prevent malware infection | Microsoft Docs), and it appears that something has changed in these rules in a recent update which is preventing Modano from loading.

Issue Resolution 

Customize attack surface reduction rules to create an exemption for Modano.


The easiest way to do this is to exclude the folder containing Modano's system files, which will be located at:

  • Standard Installer: C:\Users\%UserName%\AppData\Roaming\Modano
  • Global Installer: C:\Program Files (x86)\Modano

Alternatively you can exclude the DLL and EXE files within this folder (and its sub-folders) to achieve the same result.

Feel free to contribute if you have this issue and the above information does not resolve it for you.


Head of Software | Modano