Video Tutorial : Creation of Presentation Income Statement with mapping of Accounts to Summarised Accounts

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Nick Ogle A+ 6
Video Tutorial : Creation of Presentation Income Statement with mapping of Accounts to Summarised Accounts

Hello Mike / Tim

Would it be possible to create a video tutorial on creating a presentation Income Statement that summarises a Standard Income Statement into an alternative format, and please could you also show how a balance sheet and cash flow can be imported into a Presentation sheet.



Michael Hutchens A+ 190

Hi Nick,

We're currently deep in the development of more practical learning & assessment exercises, which will include video tutorials covering more materials.

Your request here is very specific, and there are many ways this could be done, so it's not something we envisage including in our current range of new videos. So please use the support system for now and we'll log with a view to getting to it over the next few weeks when things calm down a bit.


Nick Ogle A+ 6

Hi Mike

Thanks for the prompt response. Tim has done a fantastic job at supporting me and fixing the Presentation schedule. The basic problem is I have little idea how to practically replicate his brilliant solution. A video might help me!

Best wishes
