Two time series on project finance model

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Hanz Hargianto 1 A+ 5
Two time series on project finance model

Hi guys, Is there any of you ever build a project finance model that uses two-time series:
1. Monthly - construction
2. Annual - operation

Michael Hutchens A+ 190

Hi Hanz,

Yes we have built project finance models with all sorts of combinations of construction and operations time frame periodicities, including a monthly construction time frame leading into an annual operations time frame. The particular construct is obviously suited to long-life project like toll roads, for which modeling monthly operations is overkill and results in the model becoming practically unusable.

There are many different ways to do this based on your particular requirements, but in each case you will need to build your own time series period titles set(s) - i.e. if you want your model to be on a single sheet you will need to construct a Monthly Construction To Annual Operations period titles set, otherwise you will need to construct separate Monthly Construction and Annual Operations period titles sets with dates flowing in series from the construction months into the operations years.

We are currently developing project finance libraries for release soon in Modano, but as you can appreciate they are complex and are therefore taking some time to finalize. They are looking fantastic, but I'm sorry we're not yet ready to release them publicly.

In the interim, you're more than welcome to try building a project finance model yourself using Modano, and our Services team can assist you if you purchase support credits and request support. There are some very handy tricks to building new period titles sets without invalidating modules, thereby preventing the need to build all your modules from scratch, but explaining these tricks in detail is outside the scope of this support thread.

Regardless of what you choose to do, I look forward to showing you our project finance module libraries after we release them.

Regards, M.

Hanz Hargianto 1 A+ 5

Hi Michael, 

Thank you for your reply. And looking forward to your new module libraries for project finance.

