Troubleshoot module as category

Module As Category
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Hengjia Chen A+ 1
Troubleshoot module as category

I am looking for method to troubleshoot an existing error from module as category setup.

The category is the summary of all projects in hand and it got feed information from individual module under deliciated sheet and also feed to individual module.

Now after using it for several years it is not working as indented.

Action to insert one row in the category will feed back between 2 to 5 rows, plus maybe 1-2 module.

But on the the category tab could not find any triggering action so been told more likely it is the module link playing up.

Look forward advise about what function and steps can be taken for diagnosis?

Attached a linking chart.

Jun Yan A+ 124

Hi Hengjia,

Probably easier to diagnose if you can upload a sample from the model.

Maybe if you export the parent module, as well as a few connected child modules, I can have a quick look at it.


Hengjia Chen A+ 1

Hi Jun,

I couldn't upload the file due to privacy and the recreation is too hard for me by having to re-create the error without knowing what it is (the screen shot is a really brief one and each module has multiple link outs to more than one other modules.

The simplest form of error is insert one line in summary category block, then two spits out, one is the correct mirror module flow to Financial etc. And other shows cell block > dynamic text default value with no new row inserted in Financial module or perhaps other associated modules.

Sorry this sounds really vague would like to learn from you what possible steps could be used to find out the cause.

Thank you )

Jun Yan A+ 124

Hi Hengjia,

Yes that's a bit hard for me to picture haha. Need to be able to reproduce it in order to troubleshoot it unfortunately.

I'd suggest given there's privacy, maybe reach out to the Modano Support Team, I'm sure they'll be able to get to the bottom of it.


The one thing I can think of, as it's something we've had to correct before.

If you attach a link-out that passes back, out of order, and you've linked it into that summary (or anywhere actually) out of order, this can cause the circular effect. Looking at the screenshot, since you have a generic module link showing, my guesss is that this might be the case.

You'll see in this example, if you show the available precedent module links pane (my cursor is on the link back block), you'll see the titles are out of order. I gave the link out to the 2nd category module, not the first. I think if you manually link these in the correct order it SHOULD be okay (I haven't fully tested this), but if by chance you link it out of order anywhere, it will create this circular issue. This is possible or could occur if you're taking this link out into other blocks and you auto-align without checking it cleanly in each instance.

Looks like this

Then when you insert 1 category, you get this.

If this is the case, you'll need to go to the location of where you created the link - out. Delete the link-out and then recreate it from the first category module, then re-link. This should hopefully fix it.

Anyways, give the Support Team a shout, I'm sure they can help you diagnose the issue.


Michael Hutchens A+ 190

Hi Hengjia,

Jun's comments on this are very good.

As he notes, it's very hard to diagnose these things without a working example, so if you can provide one it would help. We recommend creating the simplest possible version of the issue by inserting the affected modules into a new workbook to reproduce the issue, so it's easy to dig into the issue.

If you can't do that, and don't want to request support, all I can say is that issues like those you've identified are usually a result of invalid circular link relationships.


Hengjia Chen A+ 1

Now have a good example from a simplified model with just the same error. Read a 5-yr old post about the recursive nature of mirroring I wonder if it what'd happened here?

Jun Yan A+ 124

Hey Henjia,

Here's a quick fix. It's probably not getting to the core of the problem, but I think it does seem to refresh the linkages.

Set the projects to 1, then set it to 2. It will create a 3rd project.

Just change that project number to whatever number you want, and it should create the correct number of projects moving forward.

I think there is definitely something strange in the linkages, but this will give you a quick fix for now.

I would reach out to the Support team to try and get them to uncover the actual linkage issue, just in case you need to make adjustments in future.


Hengjia Chen A+ 1

Thanks Jun. I kinda find a duplicate link out from OBS but yeah not able to fix as it is of same ID. will probably just progress with the quick fix.

jessegraham98 X 0

Thank you for helping me out as well. 

Hengjia Chen A+ 1

I wonder with the new version if the fix 'Amended bug when duplicating or mirroring modules located on dedicated sheets multiple times.' is addressing the issue I'd experienced or work backwards for the existing model? 

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