Running Modano files with Oracle Crystal Ball [ex. Monte-Carlo simulation]

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Filipe Aguiar Pereira X 0
Running Modano files with Oracle Crystal Ball [ex. Monte-Carlo simulation]

Hi Community Forum,

Can anyone tell me how to use a Modano file with a spreadsheet-based application like Oracle Crystal Ball for Monte-Carlo simulation? 



Michael Hutchens A+ 190

Hi Filipe,

Our understanding is that Crystal Ball requires sheets to be unprotected - even though it's usually simply editing assumptions cells which are unlocked anyway - and this causes issues because Modano protects sheets to ensure that the modular data in your workbooks remains consistent with the Excel data.

Have you tried simply running Crystal Ball within a separate workbook that is linked to your Modano workbook via formulas? My understanding is that Crystal Ball works by changing specified assumptions and capturing specified outputs across a large number of scenarios, could you link these assumptions in your Modano workbook to corresponding assumptions in your Crystal Ball workbook and simply have Crystal Ball drive the Monte-Carlo simulation from within this workbook?

For transparency I've never personally used Crystal Ball, so apologies if this doesn't work, but I have spoken to a lot of Crystal Ball users and based on what I've learned from them I can't see why this wouldn't work. It just requires investing a bit of time to set up and link the Crystal Ball workbook.

Let me know if this works.

Either way, we'd be happy to continue think-tanking this with you via our support system at no cost - just submit a support request via:



Filipe Aguiar Pereira X 0

Hi Michael,

Thank you for your help. Will try this solution and give an update.


Filipe Aguiar Pereira X 0

Hi Michael,

I would like to let you know that I was able to successfully execute an Oracle Crystal Ball simulation using the provided solution: running Crystal Ball within a separate workbook that was linked to a Modano workbook.

Thank you very much for your help.
