parent child hierarchy module as category

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Hengjia Chen A+ 1
parent child hierarchy module as category

Hi Modano team,

I am looking for solution for following scenario.

To build a parent child hierarchy revenue module, where there are limited key customers say 9 (parent category) and under each customer there are 1 to 8 pricing arrangements (child category) which both parent and child holds quite a few fields of information that goes beyond column I into time series. 

Is it achievable with good setup so user can enter most data in a fairly central location and without tweaking too much with module as category so it won't break months down the track.



Khang A+ 4

Hi Hengjia,

You can try using the Categories Layout Section function.

  • Select the block (parent) you'd like to create "Categories Layout Section" (child)
  • A dialog box will pop up (you can select create a new block or use existing (parent) block.
  • Press ok - this will create a series from the parent block (with 3 lines available to edit per child - can add more lines if you need).
  • It will initially generate headings for each category but you can delete/edit these as you see fit.
  • Limitations:
    • All logic is likely to be single line logic (but you can have as many lines as you need)
    • All logic & formulas are replicated across all (child) categories
    • Further category blocks cannot be added into the Category Layout Sections

I have used this in several models, it is useful but mindful of the limitations.
Hope that helps.


Hengjia Chen A+ 1

Thank you Khang, I have not used it previously, so gave a go based on your instruction (should had picked times series assumption). I feel like it is close but still not quite.

Khang A+ 4

Hi Hengjia,

You can always add a TimeSeries (TS) component to your module:

  • Go into Build > Components > Manage
    • A dialog box will popup
    • Select the module you want to add a new component to
    • Select component type
    • Select period titles (assuming Monthly Forecast)
    • Click OK
  • You can continue to use the non-TS component for your header details
  • Do all the TS related calculations in the new TS component


Hengjia Chen A+ 1

Thanks you Khang, works really well.