Panel Board

DashboardsPanel BoardGraphsCharts
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James Longden A+ 103
Panel Board

Thought I'd drop this in to the forum for people to have a play with. Particularly useful for people who are building models for clients.

This is a Panel Board. It's a landscape / A3 / M-HF / print-ready dashboad that can be customised really quickly.

There are two main areas to it. The dashboard piece looks like this at first:

The second components has two parts to it.

Firstly: a huge slab of links in, which will pull in all model information - this is made for M-HF / Chart of Accounts 6, so will work with all less complex Chart of Accounts.


Secondly: a simple set of drop-downs (3 * 4 to match the panel board) that allow you to cherry-pick information from this linked in data.

By working with these in-cell dropdowns, you can build up a comprehensive and bespoke panel board, quickly and easily. There are also assumptions to reverse signs, gross up for annual, automatically work out ratios (and show on secondary axes - just hide if you don't want these visible) and invert where required.

And if you want make your ideal Panel Board re-usable (who doesn't, right?), all you have to do is set the default assumption in the in-cell dropdown and the whole thing will pop-up when you insert into another model. Feel free to load some up to this post as keen to see what people do with it!

Will do a video at some stage. Cheers. J.

Jun Yan A+ 124

Hi James, this is awesome, thanks for sharing!

We've actually been playing around with dashboards and creating a framework around developing them.

We found that these panel boards are amazing, but sometimes we just want quick mixes of analysis sets where we can fully utilise the modularity of the workbook.

We decided to set a framework for developing to a column/row spacing & sizing so that when these modules are dropped in and a printable area is selected, they will always flow correctly onto subsequent pages without having to tamper around with the scales. This has been particularly useful for clients that require board packs to be prepared.

Only thing to note is after dropping in for say A4, need to select Portrait orientation and then remove period titles and select from top of module (inc space) down to the bottom of the chart you're wanting to print. Would be great to get feedback and whether there's a way to automate the print area selection to include all modules. The files work with CoA6 content.

Thanks James!

James Longden A+ 103

Great minds, Jun! We've followed a similar concept for the charts in some of the Enterprise content.

So for example, all of the Bar Charts in the property feasibility content are loose (i.e. not set to 'locate on dedicated sheet'), half an A4 page and located in a dedicated "Charts" module area.

Whilst they don't go in perfectly 'print-ready' as the dashboards do, clients can still choose their own adventure (oh, hai Gen X...) and insert 6 specific charts that tell the story behind a deal and they only have to set the print to portrait and they're ready to print.

We've got 2 to a page but I like the 3 concept - I toyed with this on the panel boards but having a single row 4panel structure - but worried that people will find even the page set-ups too much of an ask...!

Cheers. J.

Nick Ogle A+ 6

Hi James

Very clever.


Nick Ogle A+ 6

Hello Again James, is there an annual version available? Best wishes Nick

James Longden A+ 103

Hey Nick. Not at the moment. We'll be putting the other periodicities together when we get a chance five minutes. Never enough hours in the day!

Hope you're well and enjoying the system. Cheers. J.