Multiple Bank Accounts

Working Capital
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Gabriel Maruca A+ 0
Multiple Bank Accounts

Hi Modano, 

Is there a way to incorporate multiple bank accounts in the historical balance sheet and also be able to allocate different payments from different accounts?



Jun Yan A+ 124

Hi Gabriel,

This is either a simple exercise, or potentially complicated depending on what you're after.

If you're trying to split out the historical cash balances, then you'll need to add a set of assumptions heading + assumptions number, and turn the existing assumptions into an output.

The other one may be a bit more difficult, you may need to split out onto other balance sheet items, and then you can manually make payments / movements. Otherwise, if you want to see a full cashflow split, you may need to create a separate simplified cash flow, hope that makes sense.

This is one of those questions that probably should go through the support system.

Hope that helps!
