Modano 11

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Tarjei Kirkesaether A+ 58
Modano 11

Hi everyone,

In case you haven't already (and I know I'm a week late here, the "Check for Updates Frequency" alert failed me!), you should go ahead and update your Modano install to version 11 (released 19 September). I've only had a day to play with it but it is yet another game changer from the Modano team! The release notes can be found here for all the changes but the highlights I've found so far are:

User Mode which seems to be a simplyfied menu for model users (should make it less daunting to hand over a Modano model to a non-developer), containing one new button called Change Driver (it is also avaliable if using Developer Mode by right clicking). I can't count the number of times I needed to forecast financials by YoY growth rate, except that one line which I have the "amount" forecast for - that problem is now a thing of the past!


The other thing is one I picked up in the change notes and had to contact support to find, I'm guessing it is either not recommended unless you are used to mirroring modules or the tool bar will be updated in due course:

  • Added support for mirroring business units and entities.

For anyone used to mirroring and came across the Consoldation Model which up until 18 September would only Duplicate entities this will change your life. To use it you have to follow the below steps:

  1. Hold the Shift Key
  2. Then Click Consol
  3. Then Click Duplicate Entity

I'm sure there is loads of other stuff I haven't found yet, please feel free to add any discoveries to this thread but I'd like to congratulate Michael and the team on yet another amazing milestone, I'm looking forward to the next one already!

All the best



Jun Yan A+ 124

Hi all,

Wanted to check, is this revision backwards compatible? ie. if we're using this updated version and save file in this new version, will we still be able to use prior version of Modano to access / use this file?

It certainly does look exciting, keen to jump into it, but just mindful we have a lot of team members and clients using older versions.


Tarjei Kirkesaether A+ 58

Hi Jun,

Please use the the attached as a test for backwards compatibility (assuming you're on v10). I guess the file will open but you won't have access to the Driver Change... Please let us know how you go,



Jun Yan A+ 124

Okay, looks like it doesn't work. Guess I'll need to hold off on the updates for now until I can properly test the differences.

Thanks Tarjei.

Michael Hutchens A+ 190

Hey Guys,

Thanks for the feedback Tarjei, we always love how quickly you stumble across our silent releases while we're still finalising things!

Jun - the software is 100% backwards compatible but includes a range of new features that, if used in new models, will only work on Version 11+. So you're absolutely fine to upgrade, you just need to be aware of the fact that new models built using Version 11 may not open on older versions of Modano. Models built using pre-Version 11 versions of Modano can be opened, edited, and saved using Version 11 and still be used on earlier versions of Modano, but new models built using our latest range of content are likely to require Version 11+.

Amongst the biggest new feature change is the ability to specify modules as variable driver modules, which behave like child modules of parent modules. An example of a use of this is revenue within our new Single Entity Model variable drivers (VD) starter models, in which there's a head revenue module and a variable number of revenue category child driver modules, which can be swapped over quickly easily by untrained users using the new Change Driver tool.

The model Tarjei has shared above is an example of this functionality.

We've also refined the way we do consolidations (slightly) and business units modeling (massively) such that users can now flip out any modules (or drivers) within an entity or business unit, which is a major game changer.

We've also re-worked the modeling of salaries and wages such that we now split out superannuation in the income statement (as per Xero, QuickBooks, etc.) and more accurately forecast PAYG and superannuation to reflect quarterly (etc.) BAS payments, etc.

Oh, and there's also a new UI called User Mode, which is limited to the tools required to build and maintain rolling financial models connected to accounting packages. And a new step-by-step web-based New Financial Model dialog. And the ability to do online test drives of connections (i.e. create an entire model of a business directly from Xero, etc., in a few minutes)...

Put simply, Version 11 is a massive step forward, we're just still scrambling to clean up all the surrounding materials, etc. We'll be making a string of announcements once we come up for air.


Michael Hutchens
Managing Director | Modano

Jun Yan A+ 124

It's exciting stuff Mike. I did manage to test the new version on a separate computer that I use for testing when I see updates.

Nifty with the variable drivers, I even managed to create some content, but I need to have a further play to make sure I can make the most of the version.

Also, thanks for clarifying RE compatibility, makes sense. Awesome update!
