Mirrored modules component header label - remove automatic adjustment

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Yury Suturin A+ 6
Mirrored modules component header label - remove automatic adjustment

Probably doing something wrong - need a bit of advice.

I have 3 simple capex modules which are mirrored and have different names. All modules are named differently and use the same category group of 5 labels.

Labels are adjusted according to module names and all is good there, however my issue is that when I change the name of the section (in cells B10) - names of the section in other modules are changed as well. Looks like intentional behaviour and this behaviour disappears when I change the style of the header to Assumption/Header but it looks ugly so I was wondering if there is a way to have it styled as is but do not change the header labels in mirrored modules. I understand that all formulas/outputs are mirrored in mirrored modules but does it also relate to labels?

Michael Hutchens A+ 190

Hi Yury,

We get around this issue using dynamic text in the module component heading cell blocks - see:


We usually enter <ModuleName> as the dynamic text in these headings so that the cell always reflects the module name. In your case you might want to enter: <ModuleName> - Growth

Most Modano users don't know this but you can enter this dynamic text straight into the cell and it will be detected by Modano.

You can then use trigger cells to make the name of the modules automatically update based in the value in an assumption cell. To do this, create an assumption cell block using the Assumption Heading style, then go to the Build menu, Cell Blocks menu, Make Trigger Cell Block, and in the dialog specify the Name Module trigger type. After doing this, the module name will update whenever the value in this cell is changed.

Hope this helps!


Yury Suturin A+ 6

that was quick :) Thanks, Michael, tried that - works as charm!