Mirror Module components?

Module componentsmirroring
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Tarjei Kirkesaether A+ 58
Mirror Module components?

Hi Modano dev team

Is it technically possible to mirror individual module components? I know it's not a feature in the current version (i'm not sure if it can be achieved using the API?) and a similar outcome can be achieve using Categories Layout Section on a category block but this does not allow (understandingly) categories to be inserted.


Michael Hutchens A+ 189

Hi Tarjei,

The short answer is no. But it wouldn't be hard to add this functionality, as it could leverage the existing duplicate/mirror module functionality.

Where it gets tricky is managing the module linking impacts of duplicating and mirroring components... What would you expect to happen to precedent and dependent module links within the newly-created module component(s) following duplication/mirroring?

Our current view is that a duplicate module component would behave identically to duplicating a single component module...

Is there any good reason why you can't use a single component module as category to achieve the same outcome?

Tarjei Kirkesaether A+ 58

Hi Micheal,

I thought there would a good reason (i.e. the linking impacts). The only scenario I have thought this could be a useful feature is when using Categories Layout Section and have to add a lot of identical rows (i.e. depreciation not using the reverse ticker like the AER PRTM regulatory building block model), but I think what I'l really missing there is the ability to add categories within categories (which I have no doubt has it's own associated issues).

So all in all, no big deal and I agree with your view that this can be worked around to avoid any linking issues. Thanks for your prompt response as always.


Jun Yan A+ 124

Hi Tarjei,

I'm sure Mike will jump in on this, but it sounds like you should try and have a look at building "modules as categories". Should be a solution for what you're after.

I can drop in a basic example of this if that helps.


Tarjei Kirkesaether A+ 58

Hi Jun,

I'd be very interested in a basic example - I have noticed on occasions that adding a category add a whole new module so it would be good to understand the logic behind this better so I can use it with more intention.

Thank you


Jun Yan A+ 124

Hi Tarjei,

Sorry mate, was a bit occupied yesterday after my first message.

Here is a very simple example of modules as categories. You can apply the same principle across a whole number of different scenarios / structures.

The key thing to understand is the control module that provides the first level of categories, needs to have this option "Prevent categories being linked into multiple dependent modules during module insertion" checked. You'll find it in the module properties, right down the bottom.

The module then needs the level 1 categories (below) as entities.

Once you have this, then you can create a module that you want to act as the category module.

For this example I just used the scenario of say multiple entities with different "products" as categories, so in this case the entities are the first level category and the products are the second level. There are things you should do like addressing trigger cell blocks to automate naming of modules, but I didn't want to add extra complexity to this simple example.

You will need to tell Modano how you want it to deal with the "category module(s)". In this case, the "category module(s)" are "Revenue Entity" / "Revenue Entity 1".

Once you have this, then you can go into the global controls and centrally manage the number of entities (in this example). Example below, adding a new entity category adds the new mirrored module, retaining links. I added a revenue summary to reflect totals from entities, but you can obviously play around with this.

You can get pretty nifty with how this works like combining unique and repeated links. The extra category layer actually unlocks a lot of options...

Hope that helps, reach out if you have queries, thanks!


Tarjei Kirkesaether A+ 58

Hey Jun,

Thank you very much for such a substantial example, I'm sure it will be a great learning for a lot of users on this forum.

This is essentially exactly what I was after in my original question - very nifty indeed. I can see multiple uses for this technique already (and I now know which check bx to untick to avoid accedentially creating new modules from my existing category blocks) - amazing stuff!


Tarjei Kirkesaether A+ 58

Hey Jun,

I've used your example a couple of times and also shared this post to my co-workers - this functionality really is a game changer but I keep coming across an issue I'm hoping you might be able to help me with:

With one category in the global control I'm linking out "Asset Class" category block.

When adding another category to global control, I have 4 more categories (in WIP yellow) added to the  "Asset Class" category block and the new categories are linked into the new module rather than Category 1-4 which is what I intended - how do I prevent this?


Jun Yan A+ 124

Hey Tarjei,

Awesome! Glad it's proving handy.

Just to double check your intention here. You're trying to repeat Asset Class 1, 2, 3 & 4 in all of your cases?

If I've understood correctly, then you'll need to create a separate standard Global module that doesn't have the Prevent Categories link turned on. I generally have the helper module called (Unique) and the global one called (Repeated), but obviously pick the standard that works for you.

I've attached an example of this working, I just haven't done that last step of linking the Repeated module into the Unique module to centralise the controls. The screenshot below is how I've then summarised the assets data into the consolidated numbers.

This example is not great, as the assets balance doesn't quite make sense (splitting a single opening balance like this across 2 "entities", without logically doing this first), I just used what I saw on your screenshots as a quick reference. Obviously need to think through the logical flow of information, I'm just showing the technique.

Hope that helps.


Tarjei Kirkesaether A+ 58

Thank you again Jun - that worked a charm! 

For my benefit, what exactly is the logic behind the "Prevent Categories" option?

Jun Yan A+ 124

Awesome, keep at it, sounds like you're picking up some pretty complex stuff in the software.

The technical answer to that question is probably better answered by the Modano team. I know the outcome of ticking the box haha.

My understanding is that it stops the categories (block) from being inserted as a whole into multiple modules, so the net effect is that you get these individual links that get created in dependent modules.

Open to being corrected on this haha.


Tarjei Kirkesaether A+ 58

Thanks Jun! 

A category block inside a component inside a mirrored module driven by a master module sure is 4th dimension kind stuff and I'm content at not understanding how as long as I get the gist of why:-)


Jun Yan A+ 124

Oh trust me Tarjei, we've been really pushing the dimensions using this stuff. There's an added dimension from the time series as well that I'm sure most people probably don't think about either.

One step at a time...


Tarjei Kirkesaether A+ 58

Please do share:-)

Tarjei Kirkesaether A+ 58

Hi Jun,

I'm trying to take this one step further but before I go too far down a possible rabit hole - is it possible to mirror the control modules to create multiple branches to the module tree?

Happy to go into more detail if that made no sense.



Jun Yan A+ 124

Hey Tarjei,

Sorry mate you may need to explain that a bit. This is getting too Meta haha.

Trying to do a single control that mirrors to add more modules I don't think works.

Yeh, if you could do a diagram of what you're trying to do I could better answer.

Thanks Tarjei


Tarjei Kirkesaether A+ 58

Hi Jun,

Sorry, I probably overcomplicated my question, in short I was having issues with dependent modules not being mirrored when adding categories in the control module but I've resolved it now.

On a side note, you mentioned a while back:

There's an added dimension from the time series as well that I'm sure most people probably don't think about either.

If you have time, I'd be very keen to understand what that is?



Jun Yan A+ 124

Hey Tarjei,

Hah okay great, long as you've figured it out.

I haven't had a chance to create a time series example, but it's similar to the Scenario modules in the library where you can leverage the time series to create more columns.

You can then place an assumption within the time series to expand the columns, which then allows you to scale to the right - again similar to Scenarios. The difference is you can also provide a category block into the module to give it an Index Reference that will help you provide the correct column in the block. This lookup can be sent out as part of the module link, or sent out separately.

When you have this control in place, you would build a module link from this control and you can use something like =INDEX(LINK(2,False,True):LINK(2,False,True,True), Index Reference), or keyed into the module link editor, to find the right value to present back.

I'll try and find some time this week to do an example, but hopefully the concept makes sense.



Tarjei Kirkesaether A+ 58

Hi guys,

I'm building a model using modules as categories but I'm struggeling to protect the workbook while allowing attitional modules to be mirrored (essentially adding a new category in the control module does not mirror the dependent module. These are the security settings I'm tried so far, any assitance would be much appreciated!

Jun Yan A+ 124

Hey Tarjei,

I believe at minimum you need to have Mirror Modules and Duplicate modules selected.

Try adding that one and see if that works.


Tarjei Kirkesaether A+ 58

That did the trick Jun - thank you!