LBO model example

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WesleyA X 0
LBO model example

I've been trying to download the LBO model example using the online builder but I'm getting a "high volume of users" error message. Bit strange for a Saturday so thinking it might not be working any more. I've also tried from within Modano but it only has the Generic Financial and Property models.

Would someone be able to point me in the right direction?


Michael Hutchens A+ 190

Hi Wesley,

We no longer support the Modano online builder, which shouldn't have been left online, so we apologise for the confusion.

The online builder is cool, but does exactly the same thing as the Modano Excel add-in, and was confusing for new users as they kept downloading the end model and being unable to use it properly in Excel because they hadn't yet installed the Modano Excel add-in. So we've dropped support for it. Hence, it wasn't working when you tried it.

The LBO modules are not yet in the Modano X content libraries because we're still updating them. They will be available by the end of October 2018, but only to Enterprise users. Community Edition users will still be able to view previews of them before upgrading.


WesleyA X 0

Thanks for the reply Michael. Is there any chance you could send me one of the old LBO models that were produced by the online builder tool? We're a couple of small business guys trying to buy another small business and have run into the usual limitations with Excel for modelling. I'd like to show Modano to my business partner and think that a generic LBO example would be the closest thing to what we're doing so he can see how the software works.

If not, no worries, I'll wait for the preview at the end of the month.


WesleyA X 0

Hi Michael, just wondering if you're still on track to have the LBO module preview into the content libraries this month?