Inventory / Cashflow

inventorycost of goods sold
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Tim McKendry X 1
Inventory / Cashflow

Hi all - Is there a module (or an example model) where you enter infrequent large purchases of stock but the sales are relatively even? 

I come across this situation quite a lot.


Jun Yan A+ 124

Hi Tim,

Is this for a historical & forecast time series? The functionality on forecast-only is actually simpler than you might think to build, but the hard part is when you're trying to reconcile it to historical figures.


Tim McKendry X 1

Thanks Jun.  I'm using a historical & forecast model.

Jun Yan A+ 124

A few quick ways you can try to approach this without getting too complex.

These methods assume that you aren't tracking operational data like individual units, and taking the approach to draw down on the value against the balance sheet is sufficient.

1) If you use the Days Terms module and manually increase the days terms in certain periods to reflect a larger inventory holding period.

2) If you feel confident, then you can try and do this:

2a) Use an inventory closing balance module as a starting point
2b) Convert the closing balance into an output and have it corkscrew the current period
2c) Convert the Increase / (Decrease) in Inventory into an assumption and key in movements

2d) if you understand links, you can try and do the calculations in the COGS module, and link the net amount in to move these figures up and down.

A slight variation to the above is you can customise the module a little bit by adding a row in there to separate purchases / utilisation of inventory, and making sure that you adjust the summary balances to include the net movement. Ideally this should get flowed out properly into the 3-way, but it still works quite well.

You do need to be careful doing this as GST / VAT / Sales Tax isn't the same link I believe as the Days Terms module - I could be wrong on this, but double check that GST / VAT / Sales Tax is being addressed.

Hope that helps!


Tim McKendry X 1

Thanks Jun.  I'll give these a go.  Tim