How to delete error created on freeform sheet

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Tarjei Kirkesaether A+ 58
How to delete error created on freeform sheet

Does anyone know how to delete a check initially created on a freeform sheet? Using the delete check dialog box does not seem to work for me...

I'm trying to remove the "Corporate NPV" error check:

Michael Hutchens A+ 190

Hi Tarjei,

It looks like something strange is going on here. I'd recommend deleting the error checks summary (Automate mode: Build tab, Content group, Checks menu, Remove Summaries | Standardize & Review mode: Modano tab, Content group, Checks menu, Remove Summaries) and then re-inserting it and seeing if this fixes your issue.

Either way, feel free to send us the workbook via the Support section of your account and we'll check to see if this is a workbook-specific vs. software issue free of charge.


Tarjei Kirkesaether A+ 58

Thanks Michael. I resolved it by deleting the row the error check was located on and updated the error check summary again.