GANTT Chart in Modano?

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Winthrop Morgan A+ 11
GANTT Chart in Modano?

Is there any way to produce a GANTT chart in Excel using Modano?  


Michael Hutchens A+ 190

Hi Winthrop,

There are heaps of ways of doing this in Excel using Modano, although it's not something we've included in the existing Modano content on the website.

I've attached an example of a project management modular workbook built by James Longden at BPM. There's quite a bit in there, but it includes a gantt chart which you might find useful as an example in the module named Grouped Gantt in position 2.d. of the table of contents. James has built this using category blocks for the Y axis and time series period titles blocks for the X axis, thereby allowing the analysis to be extended to include more time series period and/or more items.

James is on leave until next week but feel free to ask questions in this forum, or by contacting him directly via, as I'm sure he'd be happy to walk you through this example and how you could build something similar.

Model Citizn A+ 11

Hi Winthrop,

I was going to release this in the coming weeks, but you pushed me to it !

Enjoy my first of many contributions to the community.

It is basic and I have no doubt that James' attached version will be far more sophisticated. This is just for basic task tracking for teams, tasks, processes times etc on a daily basis.

Feedback welcome.




Michael Hutchens A+ 190

That looks great Lance.

I've attached another much simpler example that I've found useful in the past when I've wanted to just pump out a project timetable but haven't been concerned with the more complex elements of the GANTT chart like sequencing of tasks, etc.

Winthrop Morgan A+ 11

Thank you, Michael and Lance!  Will try these out on our public health planning mission to Africa this week!


Model Citizn A+ 11

Thats great, good luck !

Please let me know if you have any feedback.



Winthrop Morgan A+ 11

Dear All: 

Checking in to let you know  how things progressed with the field test on this.  

First, thank you so much again for your assistance.  

We decided that we needed to have our GANTT chart have monthly periodicity instead of daily.   I tried and failed to figure out how to change the periodicity in the examples sent.   I've read over the time series modules help files but wasn't able to clear this hurdle.  

Am I missing something simple? 



Winthrop Morgan A+ 11

Michael - I love the way that the subheadings of the categories automatically outdent one column to the left.  How can we replicate that style?

Michael Hutchens A+ 190

Hi Winthrop,

I've attached an example of the same GANTT chart, but edited for weekly. There is no one right way to do this, so please don't assume that the weekly period titles are something you can use for everything. I've simply made the period titles show the first day of each week, instead of every day, and amended the formulas and conditional formatting accordingly.

The indentation of sub-headings is something I've done using adjacent cell blocks and merging. The easiest way to get your head around it is to switch on cell block shading and look for yourself, as shown below:

Let me know if I've missed anything. M.