Extraordinary Expense

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Kamilla_Baratov A 0
Extraordinary Expense

Hi, we need to add some extra lines between EBITDA and EBIT for our extraordinary expenses in historic income statement and forecast. How do I do it?

Hoang Nguyen A+ 15

Hi Baratov, I think your concern is quite similar to a post explained by James here https://www.modano.com/forum/other_revenueexpenses_outputs

Basically, you can take the following steps to achieve your purposes:

  1. Insert a row (like what you are generally doing with Excel) or a category block (if there are many categories in your extraordinary expenses - go to Modano Build tab/Module Structure/Category blocks) between EBITDA and EBIT. You should check the customization video here
  2. Create links in/out to relevant modules.

Hope this helps!