Disable auto-Category Block Merging

MergeMergingCategory Blocks
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Khang A+ 4
Disable auto-Category Block Merging

Hi Brains Trust,

I have once ticked the box "do this for all future occurrences" for when the prompt window pops up to asks "Do you want to merge category blocks?".

Since then, it never prompts/warns and this option has been saved into the model file hence forth.

I need to have this prompt back to be aware of when blocks are about to be merged.

Is there a way to re-enable this prompt?

Thanks in advance.

Michael Hutchens A+ 190

Hi Khang,

Unfortunately there's not currently a way to turn back on specific prompts you've turned off, but you can reset all prompts via the Modules panel within the Modano Options dialog box (Modano tab, Help menu, Options), as shown below:

I'll speak with our team about allowing more specific management of prompts in the next upgrade.