Creating "Assessment Dashboard" in Financial Model

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Bruce X 0
Creating "Assessment Dashboard" in Financial Model

Hi All,

What would be the quickest way for me to create a module similar to the "Assessment Dashboard" under "Project Appraisal" in the financial model template?



Michael Hutchens A+ 190

Hi Bruce,

The Assessment Panel module within the Project Appraisal content library was built using a presentation schematics module component, with the dashboard laid out to print on A3 paper with 4 tiles across and 3 tiles down.

I saw James Longden building this dashboard, and it was a labour of love that took him a few weeks to finalize, so I don't believe there's a really quick way to create high-quality dashboards like this. They are really hard to do well, which explains why most models contain low-quality dashboard outputs.

Having said that, I'd recommend undertaking the Automation learning and assessment exercises so that you understand how to create your own modules containing module components and module links, etc., then create your own module based on a presentation schematics module component laid out into need X by Y tiles. James has used the Heading 1 style for the merged top bar, then Heading 2 levels for the merged tile header bars, which creates a nice clean look and feel.

One of the main challenges with creating dashboard outputs is linking data into these modules, particularly when the data coming in is time series-based, but the dashboard shows only a specific time period, etc. James doesn't have that issue in the Project Appraisal content library, because the time frame within his dashboard is the duration of the underlying project.

Personally, I mock up dashboards on physical paper or a whiteboard, always based on a grid / tile approach, then work through each tile building the content into my dashboard one tile at a time. And it's often the hardest and most time-consuming part of building a financial model, because a dashboard really needs to reflect the nuances of the underlying business, which are always unique.

You can always purchase support credits (via and speak directly with James if you'd like him to give you some tips for your specific dashboard.

You could also purchase the Project Appraisal premium content add-on and simply customize the Assessment Panel module for your own purposes...
