Cost of Goods Volume Allocation - How do I include Total Volume in Lookup Table?

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Ryan Shoemaker A+ 2
Cost of Goods Volume Allocation - How do I include Total Volume in Lookup Table?

The COGS volume allocation lookup table and associated drop down menue includes all of the volume categories but not the total volume? How do I include the total volume in the lookup table and thus the drop down menu so total volume can be used as a COGS driver?

Adding a category to the Lookup Table only adds a new volume category across the entire model.




Michael Hutchens A+ 190

Hi Ryan - which COGS module are you using? Is it the Cost of Goods Sold (Unit Costs, Volumes, Links In) module? And if so which time series?

Either way, you should be able to do this by customizing the existing module as follows:

  1. Rename the lookup table header cell 'Total Volumes'.
  2. Delete the existing drop down boxes.
  3. Insert new drop down boxes, making sure that the list fill range includes the lookup table header cell.
  4. In the COGS outputs module component, add a total row to the volumes category block (by selecting a cell within it and clicking on the Build tab, Category Blocks menu, Add or Remove Total menu item).
  5. Amend the COGS outputs calculation to take into account the fact that the drop down cell links refer to 'Total Volumes' if they have a value of 1.

You can see an example of where this is been done for revenue linking into debtors by downloading the following Debtors (Debtor Days) module:

If this doesn't make sense, perhaps export the COGS module from your workbook (Modano tab, Module menu, Export to File menu item) and upload it (as a module/*.modm) file to this thread and I'll have a crack at it for you.

Ryan Shoemaker A+ 2

Michael, thanks for the reply. I am using the COGS (Unit Costs, Volumes, Links In) module, monthly time series.

I was able to get total volumes working with your help.
