Conversion factor for outputs

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Franz Kiel A+ 2
Conversion factor for outputs

Hi guys,

I've just started using Modano and have the following question. My historical input data is in $, but I want to present the financial statements and other outputs in $'000 or $Millions. I was hoping to do this with the dropdown menu in the Time Series module, but that seems to have a different function. I probably need to insert another dropdown menu in the output sheets or is there a better way to solve this? Is there a module or example model in the library that I could use?



Tarjei Kirkesaether A+ 58

Hi Franz,

The drop down box in the Time Series module will not do anything unless you divide your outputs by the cell below the drop down box (named range "Ts_Denom_Conv_Fact"). Because this named range is in the time series module you can use it in all modules without the need to create specific links but you have to include it in your formulas. I would strongly recommend to only use this cell on the output sheet itself so avoid errors in any subsequent calculations if the drop down is changed by the model user.

Hope this clarifies it.


Jun Yan A+ 124

Hi Franz,

Further to Tarjei's message, I would probably leave the monthly financial statements as is and create separate dashboards / outputs for this.

Changing the financial statements has impacts on precedent / dependent modules. As a general, we try not to touch the core 3-way statements as they drive so many dashboards / outputs (quarterly, semi, annual rollups, budget templates, ratio templates etc.).

Hope that helps!

Franz Kiel A+ 2

Tarjei, Jun,

Thanks for your response. Not touching the core 3-way statements is probably a good approach. I also like the idea of using only the Time Series drop-down box through the model, but if I want one output in Millions and one in thousands I'll probably have to think about adding another drop-down box.

