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Hengjia Chen A+ 1

As a holiday project I created a custom GPT named Ask Modano.

I am trying to use it to answer questions like a FAQ tool. It is feed with knowledge from both forum discussions and YouTube training video transcripts.

I then ask the same question to ChatGPT4 and the custom GPT I created. The results are quite close IMO. Hope the process of creation does not considered as violation any user policy which I checked but not explicitly stated in user agreement. If so I'll take it down and apologize in advance.

For now would like to seek feedbacks of if you'd find it accurate.

Michael Hutchens A+ 190

Hi Hengjia,

This is a very cool initiative, thanks for sharing. It's amazing stuff.

Our only concern with that tool, as evidenced by the results you've shared in the image you attached, is that they will be based on information ChatGPT has garnered from our website in the past, while in reality we regularly change features and explanations of features, such that it's likely to often be outdated or misleading.

For example, the Structural Clarity and Information Grouping information returned is somewhat random and confusing even to us as the developers of Modano's software!

I think to do this properly we'd need to ensure that our user guide is 100% up to date (which is a moving target) and then feed it into an AI tool, such that the results aren't a jumbled mixture of our website information, both current and outdated, and it looks like bits and pieces from our forum and other places people are discussing Modano.

I see real potential here, but it would have to be done right.

Best regards,

Michael Hutchens
Founder & CEO


Hengjia Chen A+ 1

Thanks Michael. It is like a blackbox that we don't really know what Modano knowledge ChatGPT already got trained on and to limit of capability I could not retrieve current user only content library, add in guide and by non-manual method. Is this something I can log an ticket to request from the team and use them as part of the knowledge base to improve this custom GPT?