Budget balance sheet or capital expenditure and variance analysis

budget variance analysisbudget balance sheet
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Blake Gavin Miller A 2
Budget balance sheet or capital expenditure and variance analysis

Hello everyone

Similar to the BIS and the BVA modules which focus on the Income Statement - Has anyone got tips for replicating / developing a budgeted balance sheet and capital expenditure schedule?

It would be great to have BVA on the Balance sheet side of things and the individual capex project BvA results monthly as well. 

Jun Yan A+ 124

Hi Blake,

This is probably one for the support team, but it's actually not a hugely difficult task to do.

You'll need to be mindful of the module structure, otherwise you will create some unnecessary effort for yourself.

It is important to understand how you want to express the Variance Analysis, ie across a time series or with defined periods (this year vs. last year, this month, ytd etc.). In the Modano content library, I believe it's time series based, so you can actually separate the dashboard as a module from the underlying Budget Income Statement.

Once you know the structure, you can copy / paste the statement you need (BS / CFS / IS) and maintain the linkages for headings as a starting point for the respective Budget Statement input.

You can then do the same thing for the dashboard, but here is where the structure matters. If it's time series based, you can just directly link from IS and BIS into the dashboard; however if it's defined periods you'll need to carry the dashboard as an output, lest you have to repeat yourself in a section. Here's an example variance analysis dashboard in the forum that you can have a look at. This one is non TS based. Hope this helps, strongly recommend hopping on support.

Content sharing - Variance Analysis Dashboard | Modano


Blake Gavin Miller A 2

Thanks Jun 

I’m playing with the structure and content still.  
I’ve reflected and am thinking of having a simple budget entry sheet with time series - the capital expenditure calculate could then be done in a different spreadsheet for the workings - the monthly spend captured in the module. 

then I could have a replicated, budget capex capex out and bva sheet set up.  

what I thought would be handy would be a classification drop down as well to allocate individual capex spend to the broader asset classes.