Automatic multiple linking-in for mirrored modules

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Hoang Nguyen A+ 15
Automatic multiple linking-in for mirrored modules

Hi team, I created 59 mirrored modules from an existing business unit module in my model. However, when I create a new link-out between the module with its dependent modules, other mirrored modules do not automatically link with the dependent modules. I need to manually trigger the linkings for each mirrored module. Is there any way that I can automatically do it? The only solution I have in mind is to delete 59 mirrored module and then re-mirror them but it is the last resort to do given I have different input for each mirrored module. Appreciate any suggestion from you guys :)

Michael Hutchens A+ 190

Hi Hoang,

As a general rule we recommend finalising advanced module customizations, such as links, before large scale mirroring as it can be painful manually aligning things as you note.

Having said that, you are able to select multiple precedent modules in the links pane (in your picture) and link and unlink them simultaneously to save time.

Alternately, you can select a cell within the link in category block, display the Precedent Module Links pane (Build tab, Module Links menu, Precedent Links Pane or Ctrl+Shift+K), select all the precedent links out you'd like to link in, then drag and drop them onto the categories you'd like to link them to.

You can read more about the Precedent Links Pane here:

There should never be a scenario in which you have to manually enter link in formulas for identical precedent modules into the same category block.

I hope this helps.

Michael Hutchens
Managing Director | Modano

Hoang Nguyen A+ 15

Hi Mike, thanks for your prompt and helpful response.

Don't know why I cannot select multiple precedent modules in the links pane tomorrow. But it works now.

