Automatic Back-up save

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Tarjei Kirkesaether A+ 58
Automatic Back-up save


I'm pretty sure I know the answer to this question (i.e. No), but I'll ask it anyway: Does the default native backup functionality work with Modano files?



Michael Hutchens A+ 190

Hi Tarjei,

We believe the default native backup functionality works fine on modular workbooks, as this functionality simply stores a copy of the prior saved version of your file immediately before you save over it with a new version - i.e. the backup is simply a copy of your prior save with the prefix Backup of and extension .xlk, so it's not visible by default in Windows Explorer.

We provide a similar functionality in our Recover Files tool, which may prevent the need for using the native backup functionality. You can recover recently saved modular workbook using this tool, which is accessed via the Modano tab, Help menu, Recover Files, as shown below.

We built this tool because many Modano users continue to ignore our recommendation to always use the Save As command and rename each save using incremental versioning, so this tool saves them if they accidentally do something wrong before saving their model over the top of their prior saved file. So it's basically the same as the native backup functionality, but specific to modular workbooks and keeping multiple backups of prior saves, not just the immediate late save.


Tarjei Kirkesaether A+ 58

Hi Mike,

Thank you for clarifying. I agree Save as is far superior, but good to have this as a fallback option in case I accidentally hit Ctrl+S:-)