Advanced training resources

Learning & Assessment
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Alanah Barrett X 0
Advanced training resources

I am looking for some resources to do more advanced training with modano (than the online training and certification). Where can I find more advanced training in the Modano software? Specifically, in terms of developing highly complex modules that are reusable and sharable? Does anyone know of some good resources?

Doru Imbroane A+ 2

Hello Alanah

I found the BPM global website very resourceful; you can check it out:

Kind regards


Michael Hutchens A+ 190

Hi Doru,

Modano has taken over the technology and training resources provided by BPM, so over the coming weeks you'll see us transitioning all of these resources into the Modano Resources section:

In the interim, the BPM resources are still great. There's just a bit of a risk of confusion within the bpmToolbox/bpmModules software references.
